Has anybody here attended a Rails Studio? I feel like
I’ve become fairly proficient with Rails, and can do
what I need with Ruby (but feel like I have a lot more
to learn), in the mere month I’ve been using both, but
I’m thinking about attending the next studio.
Registration is about 2-3 times more than I’d ideally
like to pay (doesn’t include any books either). Also,
would having attended a Rails Studio be a huge
qualification for getting Rails jobs?
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I was there in the Reston studio for the full 3 days. I have been to
dozens of training courses over a 20 career and this class was the
best of them all. This is a very inexpensive class. I have been to 5
day classes, where I have not learned nearly as much, that cost over
$3,000. With this class you are learning from people at the very top
of the Rails world who quite literally wrote THE book. (Bring your
books so they can be signed with the big ruby red pen!)
Let me ask you a question. Do you know of any other classes out there,
for any other technology where you can spend 3 days with teachers with
Dave and Mike’s level of credentials? If so, please let me know so I
can take it.
I attended one day of the Reston Studio (the only one to date). Dave
and Mike are fabulous instructors, and they really know Rails inside
and out. You will learn something for sure, as long as you aren’t
shy about asking questions.
You do receive a workbook with all of their training materials, and
some other goodies (that bumper sticker rocks!).
As for using the Rails Studio as a job qualification - it won’t
hurt. But it is one of those silly things that if an employer used
it as criteria they’d be limiting their quality candidates
dramatically. Certifications and training are for your self
improvement, and that will show through in other ways than a
credential on a resume.
This forum is not affiliated to the Ruby language, Ruby on Rails framework, nor any Ruby applications discussed here.