Any database performance test for rails?

hey guys,

Our company use Asterisk and MS SQL for an IVR application. Our
application is based heavly on MS SQL. But we want to change to a
linux server with Asterisk+RAGI (rails AGI)and a database but I dont
know whether mySQL or postgreSQL is better for performance for rails?

Are there any tests done to compate rails+mysql and rails+postgresql ?


maul wrote:

Are there any tests done to compate rails+mysql and rails+postgresql ?

Performance is more determined by what you are doing. The difference is
speed is probably negligible compared to doing optimizations in your own
app as both are used in high-availability/high-performance sites. Use
what makes sense for you development environment. Either will
performance nicely.


On Oct 4, 1:28 pm, maul [email protected] wrote:

hey guys,

Our company use Asterisk and MS SQL for an IVR application. Our
application is based heavly on MS SQL. But we want to change to a
linux server with Asterisk+RAGI (rails AGI)and a database but I dont
know whether mySQL or postgreSQL is better for performance for rails?

Are there any tests done to compate rails+mysql and rails+postgresql ?


Yes, there are quite a few, not too hard to search for. you didn’t
say anything about requirements, if you’re running exclusively in AR,
or doing a little connection.execute(), or using smarter DBMS, PSQL,
triggers, procedures, etc.

maul wrote:

I dont
know whether mySQL or postgreSQL is better for performance for rails?

Are there any tests done to compate rails+mysql and rails+postgresql ?

Take a look at features, too. If you’re trying to store geographic data
or use any stored procedures beyond the most rudimentary, PostgreSQL is
definitely the way to go.


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]