Hello everyone,
I just wanted to introduce Ansuz (a rails-based Content Management
System, sort of aiming for the wordpress-y space for the rails jet
set). It’s BSD licensed, and you can find it at http://www.ansuzcms.com
or GitHub - knewter/ansuz: Open source Rails based content management that works.. There was an article
in the 2008 Advent Calendar about it, and Akita mentioned it once in
his blog, but other than that I don’t believe it’s received any
visibility whatsoever.
It does have extensive plugin support using engines, theming
capabilities thanks to theme_support (as well as a way to install
themes from the master theme repository at ansuzcms.com from within
the admin interface). It also has a crowdsound widget in the admin,
so anyone using it ever can just easily report issues or feature
suggestions. We’ve got a lighthouse if you find a bug, also linked
from within the admin interface. I’m constantly sitting in #ansuz on
FreeNode, as well as some other users and developers, available for
support / to compliment your haircut. I’ll talk you through
installing it, whatev.
It’s been successfully run in a host of environments, my ubuntu/mysql
to Lex’s AIX/DB2, on the mac, and I think windows (shudder). It
currently hosts the ansuzcms.com site as well as my company’s site at
http://www.isotope11.com. If anyone ever wants to talk about it or
learn how parts of it work, or be walked through it step by step, or
whatever…we’re here It’s got a decent number of plugins as well.
Anyway, hoping some people will join in the development. Have a happy
new year’s.
Josh Adams
PS - at first I sent this to the really old rails mailing list that’s
been dead for two years-ish. Oops.