Announcing really simple localization plugin

Localization Simplified plugin by Jesper Rønn-Jensen. Really simple
localization for Rails
By Jesper Rønn-Jensen ( )

Languages available: Spanish, German, Swedish, Danish, and (“Swedish
for the fun of it)

Plugin available at
IMPORTANT: Plugin directory likely to move to more appropriate location

The goal is to have a dead simple plugin for one-language (non-english)
Rails applications.
Many of the existing localization/internationalization plugins are too
for this and hard to get started with.
Just dump this plugin in /vendor/plugins/, set your language and off you

Unlike the more advanced plugins, you don’t have to translate anything
your view files. Just use the standard Rails commands you’re used to.
The simple approach also makes limits. Make sure you understand them to
decide if this plugin is right for you.

===What it does
This plugin modifies the following most used helpers for Rails

  • Sets UTF-8 content-type HTTP header
  • Sets UTF-8 connection to database
  • Localized monthnames on date_select etc. (but not changing the order
  • Localized ActiveRecord errors (and error headings)
  • Localized distance_of_time_in_words
  • Localized to_currency (but not changing the order of unit/currency)
  • Simple pluralization also available in the lang-file (but currently
    used for pluralizing “error”=>“errors” in local language)
  • Changes standard Rails methods. In this way, there’s no tedious
    rewrite of
    localization functions in your view files
  • Languages available: Spanish, German, Swedish, Danish, and (“Swedish
    for the fun of it)

Read more in the README file of the project.

If you want to help out, I’d really like you to translate into more
languages. See more under TODO in the README file.
Also, since this is my first plulgin, any feedback is welcome. There is
probably something I can do smarter…