Announcing GNU Radio Release 3.0


Release 3.0 of GNU Radio is available at the following URL:


However–this is not its official home. This tarball will be uploaded
to the GNU Project where it will become cryptographically signed and
available for download there and from the remainder of the GNU Project
download mirrors. Please allow a few days for this to happen.

This release is identical to the 3.0rc3 release with the exception of
the version string. Thank you to all the testers that reported problems
and successes.

Functionally, release 3.0 is not significantly different from release
2.8; however, there has been a major change in the structure and
organization of the source code and build system for the project.

GNU Radio source code is now distributed and built as one monolithic
tree. This makes it easier to obtain all the components that one is
interested in compiling. The top-level directory structure allows each
GNU Radio component to have a separate source tree while a combined
build system ties everything together.

The build system for gnuradio now allows for the traditional:

./make check
./sudo make install

…process for building all of the components of interest. By default,
everything is built that can be built based on what dependencies are
found on the build system. Alternatively, the build system allows one
to enable and disable different components as desired.

GNU Radio now uses the Subversion version control system for its code,
for those interested in tracking the latest updates. Information on this
outstanding tool can found at:

The GNU Radio source code tree is available via Subversion using:

svn co gnuradio
cd gnuradio

Full instructions for building GNU Radio from the SVN repository are at:

The SVN repository contains a number of components not distributed with
the above tarball, as they are considered either experimental, under
development, or will be released in a future ‘contrib’ type tarball.

The GNU Radio project now uses a Trac-based project management system:

Trac allows us to browse source code, track defects, tasks, and
enhancement requests (“tickets”), organize releases, and maintain a
user-modifiable Wiki database for documentation. To control automated
Wiki spam generation, anonymous users have read-only access to the Trac
system. Guests who wish to create or update Wiki pages or bug reports
may log in as ‘guest’ with the password ‘gnuradio’. Information on Trac
itself may be found at:

Finally, GNU Radio is now hosted in a new location. Hosting services
for have been generously provided by the University of
Utah. A very special thanks goes to Jay Lepreau, Kirk Webb, and the
remainder of the Flux Research Group for providing these facilities.
More information on this organization can be found at:


Johnathan C., AE6HO
[email protected]

[email protected] (Johnathan C.) writes:

Release 3.0 of GNU Radio is available at the following URL:

A new set of Debian packages based on 3.0 were uploaded last night.
the package structuring changed from previous releases, manual
by the Debian ftpmaster team will be required before they show up in the

In the meantime, I have also put a copy of the packages at

in case anyone wants to give them a try. Simple tests using the sound
seem to work fine, but I haven’t had time to try anything more
yet. Feedback is always welcome.


Bdale Garbee wrote:

A new set of Debian packages based on 3.0 were uploaded last night.


Johnathan C., AE6HO
[email protected]

On Tue, Oct 10, 2006 at 02:15:58AM -0700, John G. wrote:


Will do.


Once the signed binaries are on the GNU mirrors, should an
announcement email go out to the [email protected] mailing list?
Significant releases, like an X.0 release, should probably be
announced there.

Such a message should have a lot more about what GNU radio is capable
of, what it does well, and a lot less detail than the version that
went to our own hackers. Plus describe the big changes since the 2.0
release…some time ago. It’ll be read mostly by people who don’t use
GNU Radio yet, but who might want to know when to use it, sooner or
