ANNOUNCE: Acts_as_indexed 0.1 - Pure Ruby full-text indexed

(Take 2, first one got caught up in another thread.)

Acts_as_indexed is a plugin for Ruby on Rails. With only a few simple
setup steps, and no external dependencies, it is designed to get you
up and running with indexed full-text search in as small a time as
The pure Ruby implementation of this full-text search makes for a
tool that is totally portable, and suitable for almost any
application requiring such capabilities.

Search queries support many standard boolean operators, namely
exclusion of a term through the use of ‘-’ and the matching of
phrases through the use of quotation marks.

Full details, install and documentation:

svn: svn://

Feedback is most definitely appreciated.


Douglas F Shearer
[email protected]

hi its seems like you have done a hard work on it. I have got lots of

information from your post. Really appreciate your work.!! It was

describe very nicely keep us doing good work…