This is a quick ping to see where JRuby is on Java 5 annotation support.
Charles posted about it nearly a year ago and I was just wondering where
that had gone.
Chris D. wrote:
This is a quick ping to see where JRuby is on Java 5 annotation
support. Charles posted about it nearly a year ago and I was just
wondering where that had gone.
Well the simple answer is “no support”, primarily because nothing in
JRuby actually produces “normal” Java-consumable classes. We use
annotations internally for binding Ruby methods, but until there’s a
“real” static Java type produced by JRuby’s compiler, there’s nothing to
attach annotations to.
- Charlie
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Thanks Charles! I was looking at adding support for JRuby to Seam but
it is so heavily dependent on annotations this seems like a non-starter.
On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 4:17 PM, Charles Oliver N. <
I’m hoping to build up the “compiler #2” that can produce real Java
classes very soon. It’s mostly a matter of resources
- Charlie
Chris D. wrote:
support. Charles posted about it nearly a year ago and I was --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this list, please visit:
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