Annotate_models duplicates comments

Wondering if anyone else has seen this behavior.

When I run annotate_models now, instead of overwriting the previous
comment which lists all of the fields for my model’s backing table, it
inserts another comment and leaves the previous one. So that you see
something like this:

== Schema Information

Schema version: 36

Table name: debits

id :integer(10) not null, primary key

applicant_id :integer(11)

authorization_id :integer(11)

amount :integer(11)

evaluation_id :integer(11)

created_at :datetime

updated_at :datetime

== Schema Information

Schema version: 35

Table name: debits

id :integer(10) not null, primary key

applicant_id :integer(11)

authorization_id :integer(11)

amount :integer(11)

evaluation_id :integer(11)

created_at :datetime

updated_at :datetime

Has anyone seen this and know what it is?