[ANN] WiceGrid Plugin

Our Rails team has published a Rails plugin that we use when we need a
table with pagination, ordering, and filtering by various columns.
are automatically generated according to the database column type.
as little code to get it all working as possible.

Homepage: http://redmine.wice.eu/wiki/wice-grid
API: http://redmine.wice.eu/api/wice_grid/index.html

Best regards,
Yuri L.

You guys are so cool! Many thanks.
I’m developing many inventory applications and this is something that
will help me greatly.

Yuri L. wrote:

Our Rails team has published a Rails plugin that we use when we need a
table with pagination, ordering, and filtering by various columns.
are automatically generated according to the database column type.
as little code to get it all working as possible.

Homepage: http://redmine.wice.eu/wiki/wice-grid
API: http://redmine.wice.eu/api/wice_grid/index.html

Best regards,
Yuri L.

looks good.

have a look at ActiveScaffold as well…

does a similar job.

I began learning rails few months ago with “Agile Web D. With
Rails” book and I feel that the WiceGrid Plugin will be very useful in a
application I’m trying to build.

With so little experience I’ve been messing around a whole week trying
to run the example presented in the tutorial and API docs with no
success. For my case I feel that there are many missing steps and having
searched a lot didn’t find further clarification.

Will any of yours please provide a detailed explanation (I mean step by
step) for a beginner on how to run the provided example or a full source
for that example?

Thanks in advance
