Yet another Rails launch announcement! We love rails and the latest
thing we’ve put together is whatstheplan.com, a better way to plan
events online. It’s a clean, elegant solution for organizing stuff
with your friends. It integrates with Google local search, maps,
calendar and sends useful and informative messages to your buddies.
You can also collect payments up front with Paypal if you need to do
things like book a conference room or sailboat.
Check it out and let us know what you think:
rhombus technologies, inc.
Hi, I have attempted to signup but I was unable to login with my
credentails. Also, does the application send a welcome e-mail when
one registers?
On Sun, Apr 01, 2007 at 10:44:13PM -0700, Conrad T. wrote :
Also, does the application send a welcome e-mail when
one registers?
Think so. See the flash[:notice]:
Thanks for signing up! Welcome to whatstheplan.com. Please click the
link in your email to activate your account.
| Pierre-Alexandre M. |
| email : [email protected] |
I was able to sign up and login but a couple of things were a problem:
- The browse tab is broken and show the error page
- You email me my password in clear text, though that seems to be
very common albeit a bad idea.
Hi, I never received this welcome e-mail eventhoug it displays the
message when one registers.