Just a reminder that we still accept talks for Vancouver’s 1st
RubyCamp 20008 - a one-day (Un)conference from 9 to 5 - this Saturday,
January 26th in British Columbia in Canada. Let us know as soon as
possible so that we can fit you in the schedule.
Upcoming talk this Saturday include:
o Introduction to Ruby-Generated JavaScript (RJS)
o Wrangling Large Data Sets with Rails and JavaScript
o TrimPath Junction (Ruby on Rails in 100 % JavaScript)
o JRuby (Ruby on Java)
o Hosting Options, Tips and Tricks for Scaling Ruby on Rails
Facebook Apps
o Flexible Rails: Flex 3 on Rails 2
o What’s Ahead for JavaScript?
o General Systems Architecture (GSA) - A Modeling System in Ruby
o Secrets of a Successful Rails Deployment
o Techniques for Improving Rails Reliability
o Multi-Threaded Image Uploading and Thumbnailing with Mongrel,
Rack, ImageScience and Thread Queues
o Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) on Rails
o Rails and Not-for-Profits (The DogOnRails Presentation)
o Rubyize This!
More @ http://rubycamp.wordpress.com
If you’re interested in attending, sign-up @
PS: Note, we still welcome sponsors. Sponsorship packages start at CAN
$300. Help us cover the rental fee and offer a free breakfast.
More @ http://rubycamp.wordpress.com/about/#sponsors