[ANN] test-loop - Continuous testing with fork/eval

test-loop - Continuous testing for Ruby with fork/eval
GitHub - sunaku/test-loop: MOVED TO sunaku/testr

test-loop is a fast continuous testing tool for Ruby that continuously
detects and tests changes in your Ruby application in an efficient
manner, whereby it:

  1. Absorbs the test execution overhead into the main Ruby process.
  2. Forks to evaluate your test files directly and without overhead.

It relies on file modification times to determine what parts of your
Ruby application have changed and then uses Rake’s String#pathmap
function to determine which test files in your test suite correspond
to those changes.


  • Tests CHANGES in your Ruby application; does NOT run all tests
    every time.

  • Reabsorbs test execution overhead if the test or spec helper file

  • Mostly I/O bound, so you can have it always running without CPU

  • Supports Test::Unit, RSpec, or any other testing framework that is
    utilized by your application’s test/test_helper.rb and
    spec/spec_helper.rb files.

  • Implemented in less than 50 (SLOC) lines of code! :slight_smile:


As a Ruby gem:

gem install test-loop

As a Git clone:

git clone git://github.com/sunaku/test-loop


If installed as a Ruby gem:


If installed as a Git clone:

ruby -Ilib bin/test-loop


  • Press Control-Z (or send the SIGTSTP signal) to forcibly run all
    tests, even if there are no changes in your Ruby application.

  • Press Control-\ (or send the SIGQUIT signal) to forcibly reabsorb
    the test execution overhead, even if its sources have not changed.

  • Press Control-C (or send the SIGINT signal) to quit the test loop.


Released under the ISC license. See the LICENSE file for details.

I just released version 1.0.1, which cuts
the source code down to 40 SLOC. Cheers!

I just released version 2.0.0, which allows you to define additional
test file globs and mappings, as well as arbitrary logic to execute
after every test run, in a configuration file located in the current
working directory.

Happy testing! - GitHub - sunaku/test-loop: MOVED TO sunaku/testr

test-loop - Continuous testing for Ruby with fork/eval

GitHub - sunaku/test-loop: MOVED TO sunaku/testr

I released version 3.0.0 which removes the dependence on Rake’s
String#pathmap function by replacing them with lambda functions.

This makes test-loop a completely native and portable Ruby script
because it does not use any gems or standard libraries at all! :slight_smile:

Happy testing!

test-loop - Continuous testing for Ruby with fork/eval

GitHub - sunaku/test-loop: MOVED TO sunaku/testr

I just released version 3.0.2 which:

  • Reabsorbs overhead upon Gemfile changes (Rails 3).

  • Tries to recover from all kinds of exceptions.

Happy testing!

test-loop - Continuous testing for Ruby with fork/eval

4.0.0 GitHub - sunaku/test-loop: MOVED TO sunaku/testr

I just released version 4.0.0 which adds fine-grained change
detection (finds which tests changed inside your test files!)
to further accelerate your already skyrocketing productivity:

  • Only run changed tests inside changed test files.

  • Run tests in parallel: one worker per test file.

  • Print the status of each test file after execution.

  • Rename @after_test_execution to @after_all_tests
    and change its function signature.

  • Clean up implementation and improve documentation.

Happy testing!

cool stuff. might use that one day

2011/1/12 Suraj K. [email protected]:

test-loop - Continuous testing for Ruby with fork/eval

4.0.1 GitHub - sunaku/test-loop: MOVED TO sunaku/testr

I just released version 4.0.1 with these changes:

  • Print how much time it took to run all tests.

  • Do not print test file before loading because it
    is hard to follow parallel test execution anyway.

  • Print rescued top-level exceptions to STDERR.

  • Strip surrounding spaces from parsed test names.

  • Use long options when passing test names in ARGV.

  • Only prepend lib/, test/, and spec/ to $LOAD_PATH.

Happy testing!