[ANN] Swedish Rails

I would like to announce my plugin Swedish Rails.

Rails provide many goodies and helpers for you, but some of these are
dependant on your user interface being in english. Date controls, for
example. Pluralization is another. And have you ever tried to capitalize
a string with Swedish letters in them? Then you know it doesn’t work
that well. Until now, that is. You install this plugin, make sure all
your Swedish source uses UTF-8, and most of these problems disappear.
Downcase, upcase, swapcase and capitalize work as expected.
Integer#ordinalize gives Swedish ordinals. And month names and weekday
names are in Swedish.

This plugin isn’t only for people looking to create Swedish Web
interfaces. It can also act as a map for creating a plugin like this for
any western language. Just replace all the text-strings in this plugin,
change the module name and you’re set to go. (Of course you’ll have to
know the language you’re porting too, though).

The plugin can be found at:
and some information here:


Ola B. (http://ola-bini.blogspot.com)
JvYAML, RbYAML, JRuby and Jatha contributor
System Developer, Karolinska Institutet (http://www.ki.se)
OLogix Consulting (http://www.ologix.com)

“Yields falsehood when quined” yields falsehood when quined.

Ola B. skrev:

names are in Swedish.


Hej Ola,

Trevligt med en plugin för oss svenskar.

However, there seems to be a problem. I tried to drop the plugin in my
application to get some Swedish stuff in it but I get a name conflict.

I have a model class named ContentType. You have a class named
ContentType in the plugin. When I try to use my class it’s not found
(NameError: uninitialized constant ContentType)

Any work around for this apart from renaming my own class (which is out
of the question)?

Best regards,


On 8/3/06, Ola B. [email protected] wrote:

I would like to announce my plugin Swedish Rails.

This might become very useful! Thanks a bunch for this, much


Marcus A. wrote:

ContentType in the plugin. When I try to use my class it’s not found
(NameError: uninitialized constant ContentType)

Any work around for this apart from renaming my own class (which is out
of the question)?

Best regards,


Självklart. Ibland måste man ha saker på Svenska, och då är det bra om
man kan göra det lätt för sig… =)

However, I’ve fixed it in trunk, renaming the file to
content_type_filter.rb, so if you’ve made it an external, you could just
svn up and it will work. (I hope… =)

Ola B. (http://ola-bini.blogspot.com)
JvYAML, RbYAML, JRuby and Jatha contributor
System Developer, Karolinska Institutet (http://www.ki.se)
OLogix Consulting (http://www.ologix.com)

“Yields falsehood when quined” yields falsehood when quined.