[ANN]"specific_install" gem plugin released

Pleased to announce the initial release of the “specific_install” gem.

Its goal: to be able to download a git repo, build the gem therein, and
install it.

I couldn’t think of any way to do this so made a gem for it.
It also installs from straight URL’s, like



specific_install gem:

a rubygems plugin that allows you to install an “edge” gem straight from
its github repository, or install one from an
arbitrary url web:


$ gem specific_install -l GitHub - githubsvnclone/rdoc: git mirror of http://rdoc.rubyforge.org/svn/trunk

git installing from GitHub - githubsvnclone/rdoc: git mirror of http://rdoc.rubyforge.org/svn/trunk

(in /tmp/d20100401-30708-fwpa18)
mkdir -p pkg
Successfully built RubyGem
Name: rdoc
Version: 2.5
File: rdoc-2.5.gem
mv rdoc-2.5.gem pkg/rdoc-2.5.gem
Successfully installed rdoc-2.5
1 gem installed

[ it runs git clone, and rake install, install the gem, then deletes the
temp directory]

and a url:

$ gem specific_install -l


Saving to: `rdoc-’

176,128 211K/s in 0.8s

Successfully installed rdoc-
1 gem installed

== Installation ==

$ gem install specific_install

Enjoy. Feedback welcome GitHub - rdp/specific_install: rubygems plugin to allow you to install an "edge" gem straight from its github repository