ANN: Sequel 3.8.0 Released

Sequel is a lightweight database access toolkit for Ruby.

  • Sequel provides thread safety, connection pooling and a concise DSL
    for constructing database queries and table schemas.
  • Sequel also includes a lightweight but comprehensive ORM layer for
    mapping records to Ruby objects and handling associated records.
  • Sequel supports advanced database features such as prepared
    statements, bound variables, stored procedures, master/slave
    configurations, and database sharding.
  • Sequel makes it easy to deal with multiple records without having
    to break your teeth on SQL.
  • Sequel currently has adapters for ADO, Amalgalite, DataObjects,
    DB2, DBI, Firebird, Informix, JDBC, MySQL, ODBC, OpenBase, Oracle,
    PostgreSQL and SQLite3.

Sequel 3.8.0 has been released and should be available on the gem

New Features

  • Dataset#each_server was added, allowing you to run the same query
    (most likely insert/update/delete) on all shards. This is useful
    if you have a sharded database but have lookup tables that should
    be identical on all shards. It works by yielding copies of the
    current dataset that are tied to each server/shard:

    DB[:table].filter(:id=>1).each_server do |ds|

  • Database#each_server was added, allowing you to run schema
    modification methods on all shards. It works by yielding a
    new Sequel::Database object for each shard, that will connect to
    only that shard:

    DB.each_server do |db|
    db.create_table(:t){Integer :num}

  • You can now add and remove servers/shards from the connection
    pool while Sequel is running:

    DB.add_servers(:shard1=>{:host=>‘s1’}, :shard2=>{:host=>‘s2’})
    DB.remove_servers(:shard1, :shard2)

  • When you attempt to disconnect from a server that has connections
    currently in use, Sequel will now schedule those connections to
    be disconnected when they are returned to the pool. Previously,
    Sequel disconnected available connections, but ignored connections
    currently in use, so it wasn’t possible to guarantee complete
    disconnection from the server. Even with this new feature, you can
    only guarantee eventual disconnection, since disconnection of
    connections in use happens asynchronously.

  • Database#disconnect now accepts a :servers option specifying the
    server(s) from which to disconnect. This should be a symbol or
    array of symbols representing servers/shards. Only those specified
    will be disconnected:

    DB.disconnect(:servers=>[:shard1, :shard2])

  • A validates_type validation was added to the validation_helpers
    plugin. It allows you to check that a given column contains
    the correct type. I can be helpful if you are also using the
    serialization plugin to store serialized ruby objects, by making
    sure that the objects are of the correct type (e.g. Hash):

    def validate
    validates_type(Hash, :options)

  • Sequel::SQL::Expression#== is now supported for all expressions:

    :column.qualify(:table).cast(:type) ==

    => true

    :column.qualify(:table).cast(:type) ==

    => false

  • When using the generic File type to create blob columns on
    MySQL, you can specify the specific database type by using the
    :size option (with :tiny, :medium, and :long values recognized):

    DB.create_table(:docs){File :body, :size=>:long} # longblob

  • The mysql adapter will now default to using mysqlplus, falling
    back to use mysql. mysqlplus is significantly better for threaded
    code because queries do not block the entire interpreter.

  • The JDBC adapter is now able to detect certain types of disconnect

  • ConnectionPool.servers and Database.servers were added, which
    return an array of symbols specifying the servers/shards in use.

Other Improvements

  • The single-threaded connection pool now raises
    DatabaseConnectionErrors if unable to connect, so it now operates
    more similarly to the default connection pool.

  • The single-threaded connection pool now operates more similar
    to the default connection pool when given a nonexistent server.

  • PGErrors are now correctly converted to DatabaseErrors in the
    postgres adapter when preparing statements or executing prepared

  • DatabaseDisconnectErrors are now raised correctly in the postgres
    adapter if the connection status is not OK after a query raises an

  • In the mysql adapter, multiple statements in a single query should
    now be handled correctly in the all cases, not just when using
    Dataset#each. So you can now submit multiple queries in a single
    string to Database#run.

  • Model object creation on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 once again
    works correctly. Previously, an optimization was used that was
    only supported on 2005+.

  • Backslashes are no longer doubled inside string literals when
    connecting to Microsoft SQL Server.

  • The ORDER clause now correctly comes after the HAVING clause on
    Microsoft SQL Server.

  • Sequel now checks that there is an active transaction before
    rolling back transactions on Microsoft SQL Server, since
    there are cases where Microsoft SQL Server will roll back
    transactions implicitly.

  • Blobs are now handled correctly when connecting to H2.

  • 64-bit integers are now handled correctly in JDBC prepared

  • In the boolean_readers plugin, correctly handle columns not in
    the db_schema, and don’t raise an error if the model’s columns
    can’t be determined.

  • In the identity_map plugin, remove instances from the cache if they
    are deleted or destroyed.

Backwards Compatibility

  • Dataset::FROM_SELF_KEEP_OPTS was merged into
    Dataset::NON_SQL_OPTIONS. While used in different places, they
    were used for the same purpose, and entries missing from one should
    have been included in the other.

  • The connection pool internals changed substantially. Now,
    ConnectionPool #allocated and #available_connections will return
    nil instead of an array or hash if they are called with a
    nonexistent server. These are generally only used internally,
    though they are part of the public API. #created_count and #size
    still return the size of the :default server when called with a
    nonexistent server, though.

  • The meta_eval and metaclass private methods were removed from
    Sequel::MetaProgramming (only the meta_def public method remains).
    If you want these methods, use the metaid gem.

  • The irregular ox->oxen pluralization rule was removed from the
    default inflections, as it screws up the more common box->boxes.
