Sequel is a lightweight database access toolkit for Ruby.
- Sequel provides thread safety, connection pooling and a concise
DSL for constructing SQL queries and table schemas. - Sequel includes a comprehensive ORM layer for mapping records to
Ruby objects and handling associated records. - Sequel supports advanced database features such as prepared
statements, bound variables, stored procedures, savepoints,
two-phase commit, transaction isolation, master/slave
configurations, and database sharding. - Sequel currently has adapters for ADO, Amalgalite, CUBRID,
DataObjects, DB2, DBI, Firebird, IBM_DB, Informix, JDBC, MySQL,
Mysql2, ODBC, OpenBase, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, Swift, and
Sequel 3.40.0 has been released and should be available on the gem
= New Features
Sequel now has vastly improved support for Microsoft Access.
Sequel now supports the CUBRID database, with a cubrid adapter
that uses the cubrid gem, and a jdbc/cubrid adapter for accessing
CUBRID via JDBC on JRuby. -
The association_pks plugin now supports composite keys.
Database#transaction now accepts a :disconnect=>:retry option,
in which case it will automatically retry the block if it
detects a disconnection. This is potentially dangerous, and
should only be used if the entire block is idempotent. There
is also no checking against an infinite retry loop. -
SQL::CaseExpression#with_merged_expression has been added, for
converting a CaseExpression with an associated expression to
one without an associated expression, by merging the expression
into each condition.
= Other Improvements
Sequel now quotes arguments/columns in common table expressions.
Sequel now handles nil values correctly in the pg_row extension.
Sequel::Postgres::HStore instances can now be marshalled.
Sequel now uses clob for String :text=>true types on databases that
don’t support a text type. -
On PostgreSQL, Sequel now quotes channel identifier names when using
On PostgreSQL, Sequel now correctly handles the case where named
type conversion procs have been added before the Database object is
instantiated. -
On DB2, Sequel now explicitly sets NOT NULL for unique constraint
columns instead of foreign key columns. DB2 does not allow columns
in unique constraints to be NULL, but does allow foreign key columns
to be NULL. -
In the oracle adapter, clob values are now returned as ruby strings
upon retrieval. -
Sequel now detects more types of disconnections in the postgres,
mysql, and mysql2 adapters. -
If a database provides a default column value that isn’t a ruby
string, it is used directly as the ruby default, instead of causing
the schema parsing to fail.
= Backwards Compatibility
Code using Sequel’s oracle adapter that expected clob values to be
returned as OCI8::CLOB instances needs to be modified to work with
ruby strings. -
Because Sequel now quotes column names in common table expressions,
those names are now case sensitive, which could break certain poorly
coded queries. Similar issues exist with the quoting of channel
identifier names in LISTEN/NOTIFY on PostgreSQL. -
The private Database#requires_return_generated_keys? method
has been removed from the jdbc adapter. Custom jdbc subadapters
relying on this method should override the private
Database#execute_statement_insert method instead to ensure that
RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS is used for insert statements. -
The private Dataset#argument_list and #argument_list_append methods
have been removed.
- {Website}[]
- {Source code}[GitHub - jeremyevans/sequel: Sequel: The Database Toolkit for Ruby]
- {Blog}[]
- {Bug tracking}[Issues · jeremyevans/sequel · GitHub]
- {Google group}[]
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