ANN: Sequel 3.4.0 Released

Sequel is a lightweight database access toolkit for Ruby.

  • Sequel provides thread safety, connection pooling and a concise DSL
    for constructing database queries and table schemas.
  • Sequel also includes a lightweight but comprehensive ORM layer for
    mapping records to Ruby objects and handling associated records.
  • Sequel supports advanced database features such as prepared
    statements, bound variables, stored procedures, master/slave
    configurations, and database sharding.
  • Sequel makes it easy to deal with multiple records without having
    to break your teeth on SQL.
  • Sequel currently has adapters for ADO, Amalgalite, DataObjects,
    DB2, DBI, Firebird, Informix, JDBC, MySQL, ODBC, OpenBase, Oracle,
    PostgreSQL and SQLite3.

Sequel 3.4.0 has been released and should be available on the gem
mirrors. The 3.4.0 release adds numerous improvements:

New Plugins

  • A nested_attributes plugin was added allowing you to modify
    associated objects directly through a model object, similar to
    ActiveRecord’s Nested Attributes.

    Artist.plugin :nested_attributes
    Artist.one_to_many :albums
    Artist.nested_attributes :albums
    a =>‘YJM’,
    :albums_attributes=>[{:name=>‘RF’}, {:name=>‘MO’}])

    No database activity yet # Saves artist and both albums{|x|} # [‘RF’, ‘MO’]

    It takes most of the same options as ActiveRecord, as well as a
    a few additional options:

    • :destroy - Allow destruction of nested records.
    • :limit - For *_to_many associations, a limit on the number of
      records that will be processed, to prevent denial of service
    • :remove - Allow disassociation of nested records (can remove the
      associated object from the parent object, but not destroy the
      associated object).
    • :strict - Set to false to not raise an error message if a primary
      key is provided in a record, but it doesn’t match an existing
      associated object.

    If a block is provided, it is passed each nested attribute hash.
    If the hash should be ignored, the block should return anything
    except false or nil.

  • A timestamps plugin was added for automatically adding
    before_create and before_update hooks for setting values on
    timestamp columns. There are a couple of existing external
    plugins that handle timestamps, but the implementations are
    suboptimal. The new built-in plugin supports the following
    options (with the default in parentheses):

    • :create - The field to hold the create timestamp (:created_at)
    • :force - Whether to overwrite an existing create timestamp
    • :update - The field to hold the update timestamp (:updated_at)
    • :update_on_create - Whether to set the update timestamp to the
      create timestamp when creating (false)
  • An instance_hooks plugin was added for adding hooks to specific
    model instances:

    obj =
    obj.after_save_hook{do_something} # calls do_something after the obj has been saved

    All of the standard hooks are supported, except for
    after_initialize. Instance level before hooks are executed in
    reverse order of addition before calling super. Instance level
    after hooks are executed in order of addition after calling super.
    If any of the instance level before hook blocks return false, no
    more instance level before hooks are called and false is returned.

    Instance level hooks are cleared when the object is saved

  • A boolean_readers plugin was added for creating attribute? methods
    for boolean columns. This can provide a nicer API:

    obj = Model[1] # Sequel default column reader # Using the boolean_readers plugin

    You can provide a block when loading the plugin to change the
    criteria used to determine if the column is boolean:

    Sequel::Model.plugin(:boolean_readers) do |c|
    db_schema[c][:db_type] =~ /\Atinyint/

    This may be useful if you are using MySQL and have some tinyint
    columns that represent booleans and others that represent integers.
    You can turn the convert_tinyint_to_bool setting off and use the
    attribute methods for the integer value and the attribute? methods
    for the boolean value.

Other New Features

  • Sequel now has support for converting Time/DateTime to local or UTC
    time upon storage, retrieval, or typecasting.

    There are three different timezone settings:

    • Sequel.database_timezone - The timezone that timestamps use in
      the database. If the database returns a time without an offset,
      it is assumed to be in this timezone.

    • Sequel.typecast_timezone - Similar to database_timezone, but used
      for typecasting data from a source other than the database. This
      is currently only used by the model typecasting code.

    • Sequel.application_timezone - The timezone that the application
      wants to deal with. All Time/DateTime objects are converted into
      this timezone upon retrieval from the database.

    Unlike most things in Sequel, these are only global settings, you
    cannot change them per database. There are only three valid
    timezone settings:

    • nil (the default) - Don’t do any timezone conversion. This is
      the historical behavior.

    • :local - Convert to local time/Consider time to be in local time.

    • :utc - Convert to UTC/Consider time to be in UTC.

    So if you want to store times in the database as UTC, but deal with
    them in local time in the application:

    Sequel.application_timezone = :local
    Sequel.database_timezone = :utc

    If you want to set all three timezones to the same value:

    Sequel.default_timezone = :utc

    There are three conversion methods that are called:

    • Sequel.database_to_application_timestamp - Called on time objects
      coming out of the database. If the object coming out of the
      database (usually a string) does not have an offset, assume it is
      already in the database_timezone. Return a Time/DateTime object
      (depending on Sequel.datetime_class), in the application_timzone.

    • Sequel.application_to_database_timestamp - Used when literalizing
      Time/DateTime objects into an SQL string. Converts the object to
      the database_timezone before literalizing them.

    • Sequel.typecast_to_application_timestamp - Called when
      typecasting objects for model datetime columns. If the object
      being typecasted does not already have an offset, assume it is
      already in the typecast_timezone. Return a Time/DateTime object
      (depending on Sequel.datetime_class), in the

    Sequel does not yet support named timezones or per thread
    modification of the timezone (for showing all timestamps in the
    current user’s timezone). Extensions to support both features are
    planned for a future version.

  • Dataset#truncate was added for truncating tables. Truncate allows
    for fast removal of all rows in a table.

  • Sequel now supports typecasting a hash to date, time, and datetime
    types. This allows easy usage of Sequel with forms that split
    the entry of these database types into separate from fields.
    With this code, you can just have field names like:


    Rack will parse that into:

    {‘date’=>{‘year’=>?, ‘month’=>?, ‘day’=>?}}

    So then you can do: = params[‘date’]



  • validates_unique now takes a block that can be used to scope the
    uniqueness constraint. This allows you to easily set up uniqueness
    validations that are only necessary in a given scope. For example,
    a validation on username, but only for active users (as inactive
    users are soft deleted but remain in the table). You just pass a
    block to validates_unique:

    validates_unique(:name){|ds| ds.filter(:active)}

  • The serialization plugin now supports json.

  • Sequel now supports generic concepts of
    CURRENT_{DATE,TIME,TIMESTAMP}. Most databases support these SQL
    concepts, but not all, and some implementations act differently.

    The Sequel::SQL::Constants module holds the three constants,
    which are instances of SQL::Constant, an SQL::GenericExpression
    subclass. This module is included in Sequel, so you can reference
    the constants more easily (e.g. Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP).
    It’s separated out into a separate module so that you can just
    include that module in the top level scope, allowing you to
    reference the constants directly (e.g. CURRENT_TIMESTAMP).

    DB[:events].filter{date < ::Sequel::CURRENT_DATE}


    include Sequel::SQL::Constants
    DB[:events].filter{date < ::CURRENT_DATE}

  • Database#run was added for executing arbitrary SQL on a database.
    It’s an alias for Database#<<, but it allows for a nicer API inside
    migrations, since you can now do:

    run ‘SQL’

    instead of:

    self << ‘SQL’

    You can also provide a :server option to run the SQL on the
    given server/shard:

    run ‘SQL’, :server=>:shard1

  • Sequel::Model() can now take a database argument in addition to
    a symbol or dataset argument. If a database is given, it’ll create
    an anonymous subclass attached to the given database. Other changes
    were made to allow the following code to work:

    class Item < Sequel::Model(DB2)

    That will work correctly assuming a table named items in DB2.

  • Dataset#ungrouped was added for removing a grouping from an
    existing dataset. Also, Dataset#group when called with no arguments
    or with a nil argument also removes any existing grouping instead
    of resulting in invalid SQL.

  • Model#modified? was added, letting you know if the model has been
    modified. If the model hasn’t been modified, calling
    Model#save_changes will do nothing.

  • SQL::OrderedExpression now supports #asc, #desc, and #invert.

Other Improvements

  • The serialization and lazy_attribute plugins now add accessor
    methods to a module included in the class, instead of to the
    model class itself. This allows the methods to be overridden
    in the class and work well with super, as well for the plugins
    to work together on the same column. Make sure the
    lazy_attributes accessor is setup before the serialization
    accessor if you want to have a lazy serialized column.

  • Calling the add_* method for many_to_many association now saves the
    record if the record is new. This makes it operate more similarly
    to one_to_many associations. Previously, it raised an Error.

  • Dataset#import now works correctly when called with a dataset.
    Previously, it generated incorrect SQL.

  • The JDBC adapter now converts byte arrays to/from SQL::Blob.

  • The JDBC adapter now attempts to bind unknown types using
    setObject instead of raising, so it can work with native Java
    objects. It also binds boolean parameters correctly.

  • Using multiple emulated ALTER TABLE statements (such as
    drop_column) in a single alter_table block now works correctly
    on SQLite.

  • Database#indexes now works on JDBC for tables in a non-default
    schema. It also now properly detects unique indexes on MSSQL.

  • Database#schema on JDBC now accepts a :schema option. Also,
    returned schema hashes now include a :column_size entry specifying
    the maximum length/precision for the column, since the
    :db_type entry doesn’t have contain the information on JDBC.

  • Datasets without tables now work correctly on Oracle, so things
    like DB.get(…) now work.

  • A descriptive error message is given if you attempt to use
    Sequel with the mysql.rb driver (which Sequel doesn’t support).

  • The postgres adapter now works correctly with a modified
    postgres-pr that raises PGErrors instead of RuntimeErrors
    (e.g. GitHub - jeremyevans/sequel-postgres-pr: A pure-Ruby (pr) library for accessing PostgreSQL databases).

  • You now get a Sequel::InvalidOperation instead of a NoMethodError
    if you attempt to update a dataset without a table.

  • The inflection support has been modified to reduce code

Backwards Compatibility

  • Sequel now includes fractional seconds in timestamps for all
    adapters except MySQL. It’s possible that this may break
    timestamp columns for databases that are not regularly tested.

  • Sequel now includes timezone values in timestamps on Microsoft
    SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQLite. The modification for
    SQLite is probably the biggest cause for concern, since SQLite
    stores times as text. If you have an SQLite database that uses
    timestamps and is accessed by something other than Sequel, you
    should make sure that it works with the timestamp format that
    Sequel now uses.

  • The default timestamp format used by Sequel now uses a space
    instead of ‘T’ between the date and time parts, which could
    possibly affect some databases that are not regularly tested.

  • Attempting to insert into a grouped dataset or a dataset that
    selects from multiple tables will now raise an Error. Previously,
    it would ignore any GROUP or JOIN settings and generate bad SQL if
    there were multiple FROM tables.

  • Database#<< now always returns nil. Before, the return value was
    adapter dependent.

  • ODBC::Time and ODBC::DateTime values are now converted to the
    Sequel.datetime_class. Before, ODBC::Time used Time and
    ODBC::DateTime used DateTime regardless of the
    Sequel.datetime_class setting.

  • The default inflections were modified, fixing some obvious errors
    and possibly changing some existing inflections. Further changes
    to the default inflections are unlikely.


On Wednesday 02 September 2009 10:03:07 am Jeremy E. wrote:

to break your teeth on SQL.

  • A nested_attributes plugin was added allowing you to modify

    No database activity yet


    • :update - The field to hold the update timestamp (:updated_at)
  • A boolean_readers plugin was added for creating attribute? methods
    db_schema[c][:db_type] =~ /\Atinyint/

    for typecasting data from a source other than the database. This

    • nil (the default) - Don’t do any timezone conversion. This is
      Sequel.database_timezone = :utc
      already in the database_timezone. Return a Time/DateTime object
      (depending on Sequel.datetime_class), in the
  • Sequel now supports typecasting a hash to date, time, and datetime
    {‘date’=>{‘year’=>?, ‘month’=>?, ‘day’=>?}}
    a validation on username, but only for active users (as inactive

    include Sequel::SQL::Constants
    self << ‘SQL’

  • Model#modified? was added, letting you know if the model has been
    model class itself. This allows the methods to be overridden
    Previously, it generated incorrect SQL.

    like DB.get(…) now work.

  • Sequel now includes timezone values in timestamps on Microsoft

    ODBC::DateTime used DateTime regardless of the

  • {Source code}[GitHub - jeremyevans/sequel: Sequel: The Database Toolkit for Ruby]

  • {Bug tracking}[Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.]

  • {Google group}[]

  • {RDoc}[]


Thanks for all your hard work on Sequel. It is by far one of my favorite
libraries in the Ruby world.

  • spox

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 12:03 PM, Jeremy E.[email protected]

Sequel is a lightweight database access toolkit for Ruby.

Who are you Jeremy and team? Do you even have time to sleep? Best
library ever.


Iñaki Baz C. wrote:

El Miércoles, 2 de Septiembre de 2009, Jeremy E. escribió:

Sequel is a lightweight database access toolkit for Ruby.

Could you provide a short comparison between Sequel and DataMapper?
I’m just starting a project and have no chosen yet.

Thanks a lot.

Sequel only works with SQL databases. DataMapper works with non-SQL
databases. So if you plan to use a non-SQL database, you definitely
want DataMapper. If you plan to use an SQL database, Sequel is a better
choice, IMO.

You may want to look at the Why DataMapper page
(, for the reasons
why the DataMapper developers recommend DataMapper. However, that page
needs updating, as Sequel has optional support for an identity map, lazy
attributes, and strategic eager loading.

Unfortunately, I haven’t put together a similar advocacy page for Sequel
yet. The closest thing to it is probably the presentations I’ve given


El Miércoles, 2 de Septiembre de 2009, Jeremy E. escribió:

Sequel is a lightweight database access toolkit for Ruby.

Could you provide a short comparison between Sequel and DataMapper?
I’m just starting a project and have no chosen yet.

Thanks a lot.

Iñaki Baz C. wrote:

2009/9/3 Jeremy E. [email protected]:

 If you plan to use an SQL database, Sequel is a better choice, IMO.

Could I know some reason? Is it more efficient?
I don’t need cool features (just transaction support and maybe
prepared statement). I would prefer the faster solution.

DataMapper probably has a greater emphasis on performance than Sequel
does, but I haven’t done any comparative benchmarking between the two.
FWIW, if performance is the most important criteria, I’m not sure why
you’d pick ruby as the implementation language.

In any case, Sequel does support transactions and prepared statements.
I know DataMapper supports transactions, but I’m not sure about prepared

For further details, you should probably read the documentation I linked


El Jueves, 3 de Septiembre de 2009, Jeremy E. escribió:

DataMapper probably has a greater emphasis on performance than Sequel
does, but I haven’t done any comparative benchmarking between the two.

I expected that DataMapper is more oriented to be a ORM while Sequel is
an abstract SQL layer not so oriented to be a ORM. In this way, I really
expected that Sequel was more efficient.

FWIW, if performance is the most important criteria, I’m not sure why
you’d pick ruby as the implementation language.

It’s important, but not the only criteria :slight_smile:

In any case, Sequel does support transactions and prepared statements.
I know DataMapper supports transactions, but I’m not sure about prepared

Yes, it does.

For further details, you should probably read the documentation I linked

I did :slight_smile:


2009/9/3 Jeremy E. [email protected]:

Sequel only works with SQL databases. Â DataMapper works with non-SQL
databases. Â So if you plan to use a non-SQL database, you definitely
want DataMapper.

I just use SQL databases.

 If you plan to use an SQL database, Sequel is a better choice, IMO.

Could I know some reason? Is it more efficient?
I don’t need cool features (just transaction support and maybe
prepared statement). I would prefer the faster solution.

Thanks a lot.