ANN: Sequel 3.35.0 Released

Sequel is a lightweight database access toolkit for Ruby.

  • Sequel provides thread safety, connection pooling and a concise
    DSL for constructing SQL queries and table schemas.
  • Sequel includes a comprehensive ORM layer for mapping records to
    Ruby objects and handling associated records.
  • Sequel supports advanced database features such as prepared
    statements, bound variables, stored procedures, savepoints,
    two-phase commit, transaction isolation, master/slave
    configurations, and database sharding.
  • Sequel currently has adapters for ADO, Amalgalite, DataObjects,
    DB2, DBI, Firebird, IBM_DB, Informix, JDBC, MySQL, Mysql2, ODBC,
    OpenBase, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, Swift, and TinyTDS.

Sequel 3.35.0 has been released and should be available on the gem

= New Features

  • A dirty plugin has been added, which saves the initial value of
    the column when the column is changed, similar to
    ActiveModel::Dirty: # => ‘Foo’ = ‘Bar’
    artist.initial_value(:name) # ‘Foo’
    artist.column_change(:name) # [‘Foo’, ‘Bar’]
    artist.column_changes # {:name => [‘Foo’, ‘Bar’]}
    artist.column_changed?(:name) # true
    artist.reset_column(:name) # => ‘Foo’
    artist.column_changed?(:name) # false
    artist.column_changes # => {}
    artist.previous_changes # => {:name=>[‘Foo’, ‘Bar’]}

  • Database#create_table now respects an :as option to create a
    database based on the results of a query. The :as option value
    should either be an SQL string or a dataset.

    DB.create_table(:new_foos, :as=>DB[:foos].where(:new=>true))

  • The json_serializer and xml_serializer plugins can now serialize
    arbitrary arrays of model objects by passing an :array option
    to the to_json class method. This works around an issue in
    ruby’s JSON library where Array#to_json does not pass arguments
    given to it to the members of the array.

    Artist.to_json(:array=>[Artist[1]], :include=>:albums)

  • You can now use the % (modulus) operator in the same way you
    can use the bitwise operators in Sequel:

    :column.sql_number % 1 # (column % 1)

  • On PostgreSQL, you can now provide :only, :cascade, and :restart
    options to Dataset#truncate to use ONLY, CASCADE, and
    RESTART IDENTITY. Additionally, you can now truncate multiple
    tables at the same time:

    DB.from(:table1, :table2).truncate(:cascade=>true)

  • The :index option when creating columns in the schema generator
    can now take a hash of index options:

    DB.create_table(:foo){Integer :bar, :index=>{:unique=>true}}

  • A Database#cache_schema accessor has been added, it can be set
    to false to have the Database never cache schema results. This
    can be useful in Rails development mode, so that you don’t need to
    restart a running server to have models pick up the new schema.

  • Database#log_exception has been added for easier instrumentation.
    It is called with the exception and SQL query string for all
    queries that raise an exception.

  • The Sequel.migration DSL now has a transaction method that forces
    transaction use for the given migration.

= Other Improvements

  • Many theoretical thread-safety issues have been fixed for ruby
    implementations that don’t use a global interpreter lock.
    Previously, Sequel relied on MRI’s global interpreter lock for
    part of its thread safety, now it does manually locking in more
    places to avoid thread-safety issues on JRuby (and other ruby
    implementations without a global interpreter lock).

    No Sequel user ever reported a production error related to the
    previous thread-safety issues, and most of the issues fixed
    were so difficult to hit that even tests specifically designed
    to raise errors were unable to do so.

  • Sequel.single_threaded = true now disables the mutex
    synchronization that enforces thread safety for additional
    performance in single threaded mode.

  • Sequel’s migrators now only attempt to use transactions by
    default if the underlying database supports transactional DDL.
    SQLite does support transactional DDL, but Sequel will not
    use transactions for SQLite migrations as it causes issues
    when emulating alter_table operations for tables with foreign

  • Errors that occur when rolling back database transactions are
    now handled correctly. Previously, the underlying exception was
    raised, it wasn’t correctly wrapped in a Sequel::DatabaseError,
    and if it was due to a database disconnection, the connection
    wasn’t removed from the pool.

  • Sequel no longer sets ruby instance variables on java objects,
    fixing warnings on JRuby 1.7 and attempting to be forward
    compatible with JRuby 2.0.

  • Sequel now uses date and timestamp formats that are multilanguage
    and not DATEFORMAT dependent on Microsoft SQL Server.

  • Sequel now correctly escapes blackslash-carriage return-line feed
    on Microsoft SQL Server.

  • Parsing the column default values in the oracle adapter no longer
    requires database superuser privileges.

  • Sequel now correctly handles parsing schema for tables in other
    databases on MySQL. Previously, it would always look in the
    current database.

  • Sequel no longer doubles backslashes in strings by default. It
    now only does so on MySQL, since that is the only database that
    appears to use backslashes for escaping. This fixes issues with
    backslashes being doubled on some of the less commonly used

  • The pg_auto_parameterize extension now works correctly when
    using cursors.

  • Dataset#truncate now raises an Error if you attempt to do so
    on a dataset that uses HAVING. Previously, it only checked for

  • The schema dumper now recognized the identity type.

= Backwards Compatibility

  • Association reflections now store cached information in a
    separate subhash due to the thread-safety changes. Any code
    accessing an association reflection should always call the
    related method to get the cached data instead of checking
    for a specific location in the hash.

  • Association reflection internals for many_through_many associations
    changed significantly, any code that accesses the edge information
    in the reflection will need to be changed to use the new methods
    instead of accessing the old values directly.

  • The features deprecated in 3.34.0 have now been removed:

    • Ruby <1.8.7 support
    • PostgreSQL <8.2 support
    • Dataset#disable_insert_returning on PostgreSQL
    • Array#all_two_pairs? and #sql_expr_if_all_two_pairs
