== Sequel 0.0.19 Released
Sequel: Concise ORM for Ruby. Sequel provides thread safety,
connection pooling and a concise DSL for constructing database queries
and table schemas. Version 0.0.19 fixes a bunch of minor bugs has
improved code coverage (rcov reports 74.5% coverage!)
Sequel currently supports SQLite, PostgreSQL and MySQL databases.
== Sequel by Example
require ‘sequel/sqlite’
DB = Sequel.open ‘sqlite:/:memory:’
DB.create_table :posts
column :title, :text
column :category, :text
posts = DB[:posts]
posts << {:title => ‘first’, :category => ‘ruby’}
posts << {:title => ‘second’, :category => ‘orm’}
posts.count #=> 2
posts.sql #=> ‘SELECT * FROM posts’
posts.filter(:category => ‘orm’).count #=> 1
posts.filter(:category => ‘orm’).sql #=> “SELECT * FROM posts WHERE
(category = ‘orm’)”
posts.order(:category).print # pretty-prints the table ordered by
== Installing Sequel
sudo gem install sequel
You can also check out the trunk and install locally:
svn co http://ruby-sequel.googlecode.com/svn/trunk sequel
cd sequel
rake install
== Changes in 0.0.19
- More specs for Dataset.
- Fixed Dataset#invert_order to work correctly with strings.
- Fixed Model#== to check equality of values.
- Added Model#exclude and Model#order.
- Fixed Dataset#order and Dataset#group to behave correctly when
supplied with qualified field name symbols. - Removed Database#literal. Shouldn’t have been there.
- Added SQLite::Dataset#explain. Returns an array of opcode hashes.
- Specs for ConnectionPool.
== Sequel Discussion L.
I’ve created a google group dedicated to Sequel. Youcan find it here:
== Sequel RDoc