[ANN] RubyWorks Production Stack 1.2.0, RedHat/CentOS release

Dear all,

I’ve just uploaded to RubyForge RPM repositories for version 1.2.0 of
RubyWorks production stack. In a nutshell this is just an upgrade of
all third-party components to their current stable versions, and a few
bug fixes. The link to Release Notes is below.

There is a change in repository metadata. If you are already using
RubyWorks RPMs with CentOS 4 or 5, or RedHat EL 5, please replace your
/etc/yum.repos.d/RubyWorks.*.repo with this file:
http://rubyworks.rubyforge.org/RubyWorks.repo. RedHat EL 4 users don’t
need to change anything.

RubyWorks production stack is a collection of open-source software
required to host a RubyOnRails application on a
Linux server. To set up a production Rails server, you point a package
manager to RubyWorks package repository, run one command, and
few minutes later you have a skeleton Rails application served by a
cluster of Mongrel servers, load-balanced by
HAProxy, monitored by monit and controlled by runit.

Installation guide and other documentation:
Release notes for 1.2.0 RedHat release:

Alexey V.