[ANN] rubytest.vim 0.9.0

Hi list,

I’m pleased to announce the first release of rubytest, which is a
vim plugin aims to help you run ruby test (including vanilla test,
rspec, shoulda etc.) conveniently.



Copy all files to your ~/.vim directory.


After installation, hit t will run the test under your cursor
if you are editing a ruby test file.


$ cd <your rails/merb root>
$ vim test/unit/user_test.rb
(move cursor into a test case, press t)

( is mapping to '' by default in vim)

You can customize the command which will be used to run the test case by
settting these options in your vimrc file:

let g:rubytest_cmd_test = “ruby %p”
let g:rubytest_cmd_testcase = “ruby %p -n ‘/%c/’”
let g:rubytest_cmd_spec = “spec -f specdoc %p”
let g:rubytest_cmd_example = “spec -f specdoc %p -e ‘%c’”

Default Key Bindings

t: run test case under cursor
T: run all tests in file

I’ve only tested with tests in rails/merb project. Looking forward to
receiving your feedback.
