[ANN] Ruby-VPI 21.0.0

Ruby-VPI is a Ruby interface to IEEE 1364-2005 Verilog VPI
and a platform for unit testing, rapid prototyping, and
systems integration of Verilog modules through Ruby. It
lets you create complex Verilog test benches easily and
wholly in Ruby.



Ruby-VPI 21.0.0

This release adds support for Ruby 1.9.0 and, in an awesome
twist of fate, breaks compatibility[1] with Cadence NC-Sim
while restoring compatibility with Mentor Modelsim.

1 Caution

Cadence NC-Sim is not compatible with this release.

2 Improvements

• Added support for Ruby 1.9.0 by replacing the
pthreads-based relay implementation with a simpler that
uses rb_create_thread() for stack decoupling and Ruby’s
thread-safe Queue class for synchronization. See this[2]
blog entry for details about the implementation.

One side benefit of this change is that it restored
support for Mentor Modelsim. On the other hand, it also
broke support[1] for Cadence NC-Sim, as mentioned above.

• The POSIX threads library (pthreads) is no longer
required by Ruby-VPI.

3 Repairs

The pipelined ALU example (one of my homework assignments
which motivated the creation of Ruby-VPI) has been removed
because it was buggy. Farewell, old friend!

[1] http://ruby-vpi.rubyforge.org/#problem.ncsim