ANN: Ruby Prize recommendation opened


We have been decided to hold the Ruby Prize (Newcomer Award), to
recognize the efforts of New members to the Ruby community.

This “Ruby Prize” will hold meetings by the executive committee
comprised of three parties, which is Ruby Association,
Nihon Ruby no Kai and Matsue city.

Ruby Prize Award Winner and nominees(1-2 people) will receive an
award at the RubyWorld Conference 2013, to be held in Matsue,
Shimane Prefecture November 21st & 22nd.

It should be noted the winner of the Ruby Prize will also be awarded
sub-prize money of 1million yen (USD10,000).

We are accepting recommendations not only prize members comprised
of three parties, which is Ruby Association, the Japan Ruby no Kai and
Ruby committer but also non prize members.

For more details about the Ruby Prize, please check Ruby association
You can find link to the online recommendation form from there.

Feel free to contact us, if you have any questions or inquiries.
Ruby prize secretariat : [email protected]

We thank you for your continued support in the further development
and growth of the Ruby Community through the Ruby Prize.
