We just got finished uploading the last of the videos from Ruby Hoedown
Get 'em while they’re hot. This was a fun conference, held in humid
Huntsville, Alabama. As one of the main organizers, Jeremy McAnally
really helped to make the conference a success. Hats off to him and the
rest of the helpers for all of their hard work.
This was the second conference for which we provided our wifi services,
which really saved the day as far as network access was concerned. The
venue was supposed to provide something but dropped the ball. Even
though our uplink was limited to a couple of load-balanced EVDO cards
(we had no ethernet connectivity at the venue either), everything still
worked out pretty well.
Some of you have been asking for better ways of knowing when we come out
with new material. In the near future we will be releasing a feed for
all of our conferences. Stay tuned for that.
We want to thank the Ruby community for their ongoing support, and we
are looking forward to recording RubyConf 2008 in November. Another
upcoming conference is Smidig 2008, an agile development conference held
in Oslo in October.
We would really like to take this concept even further than we have,
branching out into conferences throughout the world, even non-technical
ones. If you know someone who is planning a conference, seminar or
workshop, please recommend us to them.
Carl Y.
Confreaks, LLC