Hello all,
We have two exciting announcements for you today:
First, two speakers have graciously accepted our invitation to come
speak: Marcel Molina Jr. and Bruce Tate. Marcel is a Rails core team
member, regular http://project.ioni.st/ tumblelogger, and author of
the most excellent AWS::S3 library. Bruce recently authored “Beyond
Java” for the Pragmatic Bookshelf, is a long-time No Fluff Just Stuff
conference speaker, and now spends most of his time
http://changingthepresent.com/. We’re very, very excited that Marcel
and Bruce will be presenting, and suddenly August seems too far off:
the waiting will be hard (but worth it)!
Second, while our invited speakers will do a great job book-ending the
conference, the real meat will come from the community. Enter the Ruby
Hoedown 2007 Call for Participation, in which you, regular Ruby folks
of all types and stripes, propose talks about topics you’re passionate
about. You can find all the details at
http://www.rubyhoedown.com/cfp.html, but just so you know, we have
room for about five full-length talks and eight lightning talks, and
competition is expected to be fierce. You have until midnight EST on
June 2nd to get your proposal in to us, but the earlier the better.
Ryan Daigle, our program point guy, will be coordinating a crack team
of reviewers to make sure the schedule for the Hoedown is can’t-miss.
So again, head on over to http://rubyhoedown.com/cfp.html, read up on
the details, and get us your proposal ASAP.
With Marcel and Bruce and the great proposals we expect from the
community, the 2007 Ruby Hoedown is shaping up to be an amazing
conference. See you in August!
- The Ruby Hoedown Organizers
Official website: