[ANN] RTex Plugin

Announcing the initial release of the RTex Plugin for Rails.

This plugin adds support for .rtex templates/partials, which consist
of a mixture of LaTeX (http://www.latex-project.org/) markup and Ruby
(using ERB). The resulting LaTeX markup is passed through pdflatex to
generate a PDF for the user.

You can find more information on the plugin on the Rails wiki Plugin
page, or at the plugin’s homepage, codefluency.com


The RTex Plugin may be broken in any number of ways. At the moment,
there’s no support for escaping content inserted into the LaTeX
document (it up to you to escape &s in the tabular environment, for
instance, protect from inadvertent slash commands, etc). YMMV. If you
encounter any problems, please contact me directly via email; I plan
on continuing its development.

The RTex Plugin was not meant as a replacement for PDF::Writer (ie,
the Rails PDF Plugin); the choice to use LaTeX was made for reasons of
performance when generating large/complex documents and due to LaTeX’
advanced capabilities.

Bruce W.