Hello Everyone,
Loren J. and myself are proud to present our port of the rss
behavior to a mental extension.
It should be super easy to install for everyone.
- Download this file: http://www.scidept.com/content/rss_reader-0.2.tgz
- Copy to the root of your radiant installation.
- Expand it.
It should copy feedreader.rb and a folder called “feedreader” to your
/lib/ folder.
It should copy the rss_reader extension to your /vendor/extensions/
Next, read the README.txt for an example usage (I will try to document
all the tags on the wiki when I can set a new page up on it).
All you need to do is set up your page to use the RSS Reader page type
and put the <r:feed> tags in and you should be good to go.
We have only made a small change to the tags, most are the same but we
have added a “r:feed:date tag that takes format=”" arguments in the
same format as strftime arguments.
Please let us know if it works/doesn’t work for you.
BJ Clark