I am glad to announce a new version of rmagick4j.
RMagick4J aims to implement the ImageMagick funcionality and the C
portions of RMagick for make it works in JRuby.
Current stable version: 0.3.6
Project URL: Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.
Installation: gem install rmagick4j
Google Summer of Code project should be thanked for making this new
release possible.
In release 0.3.6 you can find the next improvements:
- More Draw primitives (clip-path [creatin a clip-path and using a
clip-path], fill-rule, rotate, scale [reimplemented], skewX, slewY,
stroke-linecap, stroke-linejoin, stroke-miterlimit, translate). - Solve a bug with transparent stroke and line primitive.
- Added the following Draw instance methods:
· annotate
· get_multiline_type_metrics - Solved a bug that caused the background become black while resizing
images with alpha channel.
Please try out your applications with rmagick4j and help us provide
feedback. It is our goal to make a fully-compatible implementation of
RMagick4j in JRuby.
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