[ANN] Red Dirt RubyConf Program and Registration

Red Dirt RubyConf Program and Registration

We are proud to announce the Red Dirt RubyConf 2011 program.

Red Dirt is a content rich two-day conference to be held in Oklahoma
on April 21st and 22nd, 2011. The conference program focuses on four
including Ruby Implementations, Rails Extentions, Rails Redux and
We have 2 keynotes, 6 training tracks and 3 contribute to open source


Red Dirt has one of the best conference lineups that you will
see at any Ruby conference. Our speakers are world-class contributors
in the Ruby and Javascript communities working for leaders in the
industry including Obtiva, Intridea, AT&T Interactive, Hewlett
Heroku, ThoughtBot, and Engine Y…

Red Dirt prides itself on being an all inclusive event.
From beginning to end, this will be a great experience.
You will have some of the best food you have ever had,
there will be entertainment and plenty of time and
comfortable space to meet, interact and learn from
Ruby leaders and Heros.

Registration is now open: Twenty Ways To Optimize Slow MySQL for Faster Insert Rate - SEO Explorer's Blog

Don’t miss early bird registration which ends March 1st.

Can’t make it? Catch the live video stream or get the conference