[ANN] rbeautify 0.0.3

ruby_beautifier/code prettifier.

What it does:
you run rbeautify ill-aligned code, like
def go
if 3

and it converts said file to

def go
if 3

Quite convenient for those of us working on the command line. It also
helps you find indentation mismatches [i.e. missing $end’s] by cleaning
up the code so you can see where, and warning you where it sees a

Many thanks to the original author [I just gemif-ied his existing script].

gem sources -a http://gems.github.com
sudo gem install rogerdpack-rbeautify


Comments welcome.

Thanks roger this promises to please me a lot

However the ri install fails on windows - ‘no such file or directory -

I will feedback when i have used it!


sorry to say the gem doesn’t install properly on windows xp - although
the file is there in the appropriate folder rubygems doesn’t know its

also line 72 had a stray ’ so the rest of the file was seen as a string

  • not sure I follow the code to know what is right there though

Hope this helps

However the ri install fails on windows - ‘no such file or directory -

Appears that older versions of ri didn’t my gem. I’ve uploaded a new
version which has a dependency on a newer version of rdoc, which might

sorry to say the gem doesn’t install properly on windows xp - although
the file is there in the appropriate folder rubygems doesn’t know its

Does it work now?

also line 72 had a stray ’ so the rest of the file was seen as a string

  • not sure I follow the code to know what is right there though

I assume that was a stray ’ in your own code? [If so remove it and
re-run rbeautify :slight_smile: ]

Let me know if it doesn’t work.