[ANN] Rails 1.2: Release Candidate 1

It’s been almost eight months since the last major release of Rails
introduced RJS, respond_to, eager loading, and much more. It’s about
time we introduced the latest batch of big ideas we’ve been polishing
in the interim.

Since this is a major new release and we’ve gotten so much incredible
uptake even since 1.1, we’re feeling the need to certify that things
work as well as they can out the gates. Thus, this release candidate to
fret out any regressions or major issues with the new features.

See the full story:

[The following is because ~30 people have rated my posts, on Google
Groups, at an average of 4 out of 5 stars, and I’m hell-bent on
bringing that rating down by any means necessary…]

DHH wrote:

See the full story:
Ruby on Rails — Rails 1.2: Release Candidate 1

To upgrade, I probably just

gem install rails

bang enter for a while, then bounce the server(s), right?

(Yes, it’s just a development installation… Yes, I might
–install-dependencies, too;)

http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ZeekLand ← NOT a blog!!

Phlip wrote:

No reconfiguring to point to the next gem, right?



Always nice to see progress. Congratulations!

Is there a web page available that lists the deprecated functions
(“freshman 15”) referenced in the announcement?


Andrew S.

DHH wrote:

See the full story:
Ruby on Rails — Rails 1.2: Release Candidate 1

To upgrade, I probably just

gem install rails --source http://gems.rubyonrails.org

then bounce the server(s), right?

No reconfiguring to point to the next gem, right?

http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ZeekLand ← NOT a blog!!

Great, thanks!

I just wonder whether I’m the only one who experience a general slowness
(I’m running Mac OSX) with RC1.

I did svn export
http://dev.rubyonrails.org/svn/rails/branches/1-2-pre-release in
vendor/rails of my app and ran one of the more complicated pages, these
are the run times:

Using 1.2rc1:
Completed in 9.96937 (0 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 2.07624 (20%) | DB:
0.21567 (2%) | 200 OK

Using 1.1.6:
Completed in 2.18889 (0 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 1.20082 (54%) | DB:
0.46794 (21%) | 200 OK

I wonder why this is and what causes the delay? Times are from my laptop
(PowerBook). In general 1.2 seems 5 times slower than 1.1.6. Any

Great info! Thanks Scott.


Andrew S.


Bulk updating Gem source index for: http://gems.rubyonrails.org
Successfully installed rails-
Successfully installed activesupport-
Successfully installed activerecord-
Successfully installed actionpack-
Successfully installed actionmailer-
Successfully installed actionwebservice-
Installing ri documentation for activesupport-…
While generating documentation for activesupport-
… MESSAGE: Unhandled special: Special: type=17, text=“”
… RDOC args: --ri --op
ri --quiet lib
(continuing with the rest of the installation)
Installing ri documentation for activerecord-…

Tom, please remember that this is a release candidate and not the
final release for rails 1.2. Thus, I’m sure that the core team will
tweak and optimize rails 1.2 for the final release. Just be patient
and report bugs so that they can be dealt with now rather than later.

Good luck,


On 11/23/06, Andrew S. [email protected] wrote:

Is there a web page available that lists the deprecated functions
(“freshman 15”) referenced in the announcement?

Some of them can be found here:


Here’s a few more:

'start_form_tag' - start_form_tag is deprecated. Use <% form_tag ... 

%>…<% end %>
‘end_form_tag’ - end_form_tag is deprecated. Use <% form_tag … do
%>…<% end %>
‘:post => true’ - Passing :post as a link modifier is deprecated.
:method => :post instead.
‘link_to_image’ - link_to_image is deprecated. Use
link_to(image_tag(…), url)
‘link_image_to’ - link_image_to is deprecated. Use
link_to(image_tag(…), url)

Use Topfunky’s deprecated plugin to find and remove all instances of
deprecated code in your apps (see above).
His plugin doesn’t have everything that’s currently deprecated, but it’s
very easy to add additional snippets to search for. Have fun!

Scott B.
Electro Interactive, Inc.
Office: 813-333-5508
http://www.ElectroInteractive.com http://www.electrointeractive.com/