[ANN] New version of Selenium on Rails

I’ve just released a new version of Selenium on Rails[1]. It’s a plugin
that makes it easy to test Rails applications through browsers using
Selenium [2].

The major new features are exprimental support for running all tests
through a Rake task (which launches any number of browsers) and a new
format RSelenese.

The Rake task has a few rough edges so I would appreciate if people
could try it out and let me know if anything doesn’t work. It currently
only support Windows, but ought to be easy to port to Linux/Mac OS X.

RSelenese is a format, contributed by Eric Kidd[3], which makes it
possible to write the tests in Ruby, like this:

setup :fixtures => :all
open ‘/’
assert_title ‘Home’
(‘a’…‘z’).each {|c| open :controller => ‘user’, :action => ‘create’,
:name => c }

Another change is that the plugin is only available in test environment,
but it’s configurable.

script/plugin update (or reinstall the plugin if that doesnâ??t work)

Check it out and let me know what you think!



[2] http://www.openqa.org/selenium/
[3] http://www.randomhacks.net/

Jonas Bengtsson wrote:

I’ve just released a new version of Selenium on Rails.

And now I’ve created a screencast to show most of the interesting
features: SEO & Sökmotoroptimering - Så fungerar det - And then nothing


Jonas Bengtsson wrote:

I’ve just released a new version of Selenium on Rails.

And now I’ve created a screencast to show most of the interesting
features: SEO & Sökmotoroptimering - Så fungerar det - And then nothing

Great work!


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