[ANN] Moonshine: Rails deployment and configuration management done right

Hey everyone -

I’ve just released Moonshine, a Rails plugin for automated deployment
and configuration management that includes complete configuration of
an opinionated Rails stack: Passenger, Rails, and MySQL on Ubuntu.

Moonshine gives Rails plugin and app developers a simple way to
package automation with their code. Any rails plugin can include a
simple moonshine plugin to install it’s required libraries, services,
and configuration. Apps can include a complete manifest to handle
server setup instead of writing custom installers, complicated Cap
tasks, or relying on external automation infrastructure.

Moonshine also promotes DRY deployment: using gem.config for gem
dependencies, mapping gems to native packages, database.yml for
database setup, ERB configuration file templates, and refactoring
variables from deploy.rb to a common config file.

I blogged about this over at the Rails Machine blog:


The code and RDocs are hosted at GitHub:


If Puppet, Chef, Sprinkle, or Deprec are your kind of thing, you’ve
gotta check out Moonshine.

Cheers -


Jesse Newland
[email protected]