=MemCacheClient Extensions
== About
The memcache-client_extensions plugins adds three new commands to the
memcache client API:
- get_multi : retrieve more than 1 key in parallel
- stats : retrieve server performance and utilization statistics
- flush_all : empty all information stored in memcached
== Installation
This plugin requires that the memcache-client gem is installed.
gem install memcache-client
Install the plugin or the gem
$ script/plugin install
== get_multi
Retrieve multiple values from memcached in parallel, if possible. The
memcached protocol supports the ability to retrieve multiple keys in a
single request. Pass in an array of keys to this method and it will:
a. map the key to the appropriate memcached server
b. send a single request to each server that has one or more key
Returns a hash of values.
CACHE[“a”] = 1
=> 1
CACHE[“b”] = 2
=> 2
=> {“a”=>1, “b”=>2}
Here’s a benchmark showing the speedup:
CACHE[“a”] = 1
CACHE[“b”] = 2
CACHE[“c”] = 3
CACHE[“d”] = 4
keys = [“a”,“b”,“c”,“d”,“e”] do |x| { for i in 1…1000; keys.each{|k| CACHE.get(k);} end } { for i in 1…1000; CACHE.get_multi(keys); end }
user system total real
0.180000 0.130000 0.310000 ( 0.459418)
0.200000 0.030000 0.230000 ( 0.269632)
There’s a fair amount of non-DRY between get_multi and get (and
threadsafe_cache_get/multi_threadsafe_cache_get and
cache_get/multi_cache_get for that matter) but I think it’s worth it
since the extra overhead to handle multiple return values is unneeded
for a single-key get (which is by far the most common case).
== stats
The stats method returns statistics for each memcached server. An
explanation of the statistics can be found in the memcached docs:
=> {“localhost:11211”=>{“pid”=>“20188”, “bytes”=>“4718”,
“connection_structures”=>“4”, “time”=>“1162278121”,
“pointer_size”=>“32”, “limit_maxbytes”=>“67108864”, “version”=>“1.2.0”,
“cmd_get”=>“14532”, “cmd_set”=>“32”, “bytes_written”=>“432583”,
“uptime”=>“1557”, “curr_items”=>“4”, “curr_connections”=>“3”,
“total_connections”=>“19”, “get_misses”=>“0”,
“rusage_user”=>“0.119981”, “rusage_system”=>“0.313952”,
“total_items”=>“32”, “get_hits”=>“14532”, “bytes_read”=>“190619”}}
== flush_all
The flush_all method empties all cache namespaces on all memcached
servers. This method is very useful for testing your code with
memcached since you normally want to reset the cache to a known
(empty) state at the beginning of each test.
== Bugs, Code and Contributing
There’s a RubyForge project set up at:
Anonymous SVN access:
$ svn checkout svn://
Author: Tyler K. (tyler dot kovacs at gmail dot com)