[ANN] Mack Framework 0.4.7

0.4.7 is a MUST have release. It fixes a few good bugs, like the ability
to upload files now works! Plus it introduces a few nice little goodies.

File uploads are now pretty easy to do. There’s a new
Mack::Request::UploadedFile that helps to wrap the Hash that Rack gives
you when you upload a file. Here’s a simple example of it being used:

class UploadsController < Mack::Controller::Base
def create
@my_new_file = request.file(:my_new_file)
@my_new_file.save_to([MACK_PUBLIC, “uploaded_files”,

That’s it! That’s all you need to upload a file! I’m going to add file
uploads to the blog demo over the next few days.

You can now do ‘namespaced’ routes, such as Admin::UserController. You
can very simply map them in your routes.rb as:

r.resource “admin/users”

There’s now a new rake task, generator:list, that shows all the
generators available to your app.

Darsono Sutedja gets the prize for being the first person, other than
myself, to contribute to Mack. Thanks a ton Darsono! It’s much

All of the generators now use the Genosaurus generator system. Not
really that exciting, but it makes for a nice, cleaner code base.

There’s a few other things in there as well. The changelog below has a
few more things. Enjoy!


  • Added Mack::Request::UploadedFile class to make dealing with file
    uploads easy.
  • Fixed bug where if a controller didn’t exist it wasn’t checking the
    public directory.
  • Generated DataMapper models no longer extend DataMapper::Base, but
    rather ‘include DataMapper::Persistence’. This corresponds to the 0.9.0
    upcoming release of DataMapper.
  • Fixed a bug in request.params that was making file uploads into
  • Namespaced resourced routes, such as Admin::UserController, now work.
  • Added rake generator:list task to list all the available generators.
  • scaffold generator now creates a stub functional test.
  • model generator now creates a stub unit test.
  • Rake tasks in plugins now show up in the Rake tasks list.
  • All generators, including the ‘mack’ binary are now using Genosaurus.
  • [dsutedja] initializer will load
    MACK_APP/controllers/default_controller.rb if it exists
  • [dsutedja] added link_image_to and image_tag to html helper.
  • gem: thin 0.8.1
  • gem: genosaurus 1.1.1