[ANN] mac_engine (oh dot pre-pre-alpha)

Announcing Model Access Control. (pre-alpha)

to provide finer grained control over ActiveRecord results than can be
achieved by using user_engine. The intention is to provide filtering of
results and assigning permissions to users/groups over what they can

Install engines, login_engine and userstamp first.
Then run:
rake db:migrate:engines ENGINE=mac
rake mac_bootstrap

Configure your models to use acts_as_macable:

class Thing < ActiveRecord::Base



p = Person.find_by_username(‘me’))
[Things] = Thing.find_viewable_by( p )
[Things] = Thing.find_writeable_by( p )

t = Thing.find(1)
a = MacAction.find_by_permission(‘view’)
[true|false] t.user_has_action( p, a )

So far its quite simplistic and lacking a whole chunk of functionality,
but its at an initial stage where I feel happy enough showing it to
everyone else. More stuff will be added and you can expect some of the
interfaces to change, as i mentioned above its pre-alpha.

How to get it:
cd $RAILS_ROOT/vendor/plugins
svn co svn://codex.net/mac_engine/trunk mac_engine

Comments, questions, criticisms and even patches are all welcome :slight_smile:


keys: http://codex.net/gpg.asc

University: Establishment formerly for education, now for training

Vincent AE Scott wrote:

Announcing Model Access Control. (pre-alpha)

Sounds good, maybe this is just what I am looking for.
Will check it out when I find time.
Can I add find_***able_by functions myself or are they predefined?
