Time is almost up! The second annual Lone Star Ruby Conference
is accepting speaker proposals for the Sep 4-6 conference
in Austin, TX, for just six more days! The deadline is
All Ruby-related topics will be considered.
Speakers will receive FREE admission to the
conference and the training sessions.
We are still looking for speakers for 45-minute sessions
and lightning talks for 12-minutes sessions.
Also, this year we have added an optional day of
hands-on training on the first day of the conference.
Trainers will receive FREE admission to the conference,
as well as COMPENSATION (amount TBD) for training.
Courses can be either 3hr (half day) or
6hr (full day). It is recommended that courses
be team taught.
For submission details and guidlines, see them at
If you have questions, please contact Jim F. at
info at LoneStarRubyconf.com.
Jim F. and the Lone Star Rubyconf 2008 Conference Team
For sponsorship, media or promotional partner opportunities,
contact Jim F. at info at LoneStarRubyconf.com.
P.S. Proposals are due by midnight May 3, 2008.
P.P.S. You can follow conference announcements on Twitter at