[ANN]: JSON-RPC 1.1 plugin for Rails

“json_rpc” is a complete implementation of the JSON-RPC 1.1 protocol,
as described in
the JSON-RPC 1.1 Specification draft, which may be found at

JSON-RPC 1.1 is a fast and lightweight text-based protocol based on
HTTP. The plugin automatically chooses between GET and POST requests
based on the idempotency of the remote procedures using the
introspective features of JSON-RPC 1.1.

The json_rpc plgin allows a Rails application to choose to act as a
service provider,
as a client, or both. The plugin allows an application to set up an
unlimited number of API services.

More information on





script/plugin install svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/json-rpc

An example

Server side

A Rails app may host any number of services. A service is declared in
a controller,

class ExampleServiceController < ApplicationController

 json_rpc_service :name => 'DemoService',                     #

:id => ‘urn:uuid:fdba4820-276b-11dc-ab85-0002a5d5c51b’, # required
:version => ‘0.1’, # optional
:summary => ‘A simple demonstration service.’, # optional
:help => ‘’, # optional
:address => ‘’ # optional

 json_rpc_procedure :name => 'sum', :proc => :+,            #

:summary => ‘Sums two numbers.’, # optional
:help => ‘’, # optional
:idempotent => true, # optional
:params => [{:name => ‘a’, :type => ‘num’}, # optional
{:name => ‘b’, :type => ‘num’}], # optional
:return => {:type => ‘num’} # optional

 json_rpc_procedure :name => 'time', :proc => lambda

{ Time.now.to_s }


This defines a service called “DemoService”, a purely descriptive
name, and two remotely callable procedures called “sum” and “time”.
“sum” takes two numerical arguments and returns a number. “time”
takes no arguments and may return anything. “sum” is declared to be
idempotent; “time” is not.

Create a controller for each JSON-RPC service you need. Then declare
routes for them in Rails’
config/routes.rb file:

ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
map.connect ‘services/*method’, :controller => ‘example_service’,
:action => ‘receive_json_rpc_request’

“services” is the external name of the service (it can be anything,
of course).
The complete URI to your service will be something like http://

Client Side

To connect to a service as defined above (locally or remotely),
simply evaluate

s = JsonRpcClient.new ‘http://www.yoursite.com/services

You can now call procedures remotely using s as the receiving object:

s.sum 24, 6
s.sum :a => 24, :b => 6
s.sum :b => 6, :a => 24
s.sum :b => 6, ‘0’ => 24
s.sum ‘0’ => 24, ‘1’ => 6

Note that all the above calls to +sum+ are equivalent. For further
information, see the JSON-RPC 1.1
specification draft. The use of named arguments is encouraged.

On 7/4/07, Peter B. [email protected] wrote:

introspective features of JSON-RPC 1.1.

The json_rpc plgin allows a Rails application to choose to act as a
service provider,
as a client, or both. The plugin allows an application to set up an
unlimited number of API services.

Hi Peter,

Please excuse my ignorance, does this library allow for cross domain
scripting or is it limited by XMLHttpRequest?

It certainly looks very useful and very clean sytnax. Congratulations.
