[ANN] jbundler-0.5.0 release

happy to announce jbundler-0.5.0 release

new features:

  • jbundle tree gives an overview of the dependency tree
  • jbundle executable -b bootstrap.rb will pack all gems and jars
    along with jruby itself and creates an executable jar. use the jruby '1.7.4' declaration inside the Jarfile to determine the jruby version
    use for packing - defaults to the jruby used to execute jbundle
  • the Jarfile is a DSL now - so you can ruby code inside it.
  • local ‘path-to-some-jar’ adds a local jar file which is not in a maven
    repository to the classpath
  • snapshot_repository( url ) will add a snapshot repo which is only used
    for resolving snapshot artifacsts. the regular repository is only used
    released artifacts

under the hood

  • using ruby-maven-3.1.0.x which again uses the aether libraries from
    eclipse (the old aether libs were from sonatype)
  • the Rakefile uses the maven tasks now
  • some preparation is done for adding ‘exclusions’ to a jar dependency -
    have fine grained control over the dependencies

since there were quite some changes please report any issue especially
regressions on
Issues · mkristian/jbundler · GitHub and I try to fix them asap.

  • christian

Very nice, christian! Thanks!

This is quite some great stuff Christian … really need to try it out

Thanks, K.

On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 6:12 PM, Charles Oliver N.

Looks really cool and useful! Thanks a lot for your work on this! =)