[ANN] java-inline 0.0.1 released

I’ve finally released 0.0.1 of my little java-inline plugin for
RubyInline, which allows you to embed Java code directly into a Ruby
class. It’s still pretty barebones, but it would be easy to improve it
(the entire library is a bit over 100 lines of Ruby code).

I’ve also moved the repo to http://github.com/jruby/java-inline.

Here’s a sample session, and there’s a fib/factorial example in the
examples dir:

~/projects âž” gem install java-inline
Successfully installed ZenTest-4.1.4
Successfully installed RubyInline-3.8.3
Successfully installed java-inline-0.0.1-java
3 gems installed
Installing ri documentation for ZenTest-4.1.4…
Installing ri documentation for RubyInline-3.8.3…
Installing ri documentation for java-inline-0.0.1-java…
Installing RDoc documentation for ZenTest-4.1.4…
Installing RDoc documentation for RubyInline-3.8.3…
Installing RDoc documentation for java-inline-0.0.1-java…

~/projects âž” cat demo.rb
require ‘rubygems’
require ‘java_inline’

class Woo
inline :Java do |builder|
builder.java ’
public static String hello() {
return “woo”;


puts Woo.new.hello

~/projects âž” jruby demo.rb

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