The IronRuby team is pleased to announce version 1.0 RC2!
Direct download link:
This release is also accompanied by a preview release
compatible with .NET 4.0 RC:
As IronRuby approaches the final 1.0, these RCs will
contain crucial bug fixes and enhancements that IronRuby
requires to be a fast and compatible 1.0. Now that IronRuby
is in the release-candidate stage, your feedback is even
more important. Please use these new binaries as much as
you can and report any issues you find here:
Note: The actual version of the assemblies is “”; they
will be updated to “” when the last anticipated RC of
IronRuby 1.0 is released.
== Contributors
casualjim, eoinomeara, ghouston, jimmysch, jredville, jwthornpson2,
KAZUu, kralor, niclasnilsson, nikosd, rifraf, sborde, thbar,
TomasMatousek, turp, vaderpi, vertiginous, xport
Thank you all, and everyone else who contributed to
previous releases!
== Highlighted changes in RC2
- Fix how ir.exe -e treats arguments
- “-S” command-line argument: load file from path (eg. ir -S irb)
- Implements BEGIN and END blocks.
- support open(“|shell_command”) for autospec
- reduces the number of methods jitted during startup time of irb from
481 to 80,
which translates to 34% time reduction. - enable debugging IronRuby when running in Silverlight
- Fixes issues reported by mcs.
- Adaptive loop compilation
- super with implicit arguments in eval
- Sets RUBY_PLATFORM according to Environment.OSVersion.Platform
For more detailed list of changes and bugfixes please see the CHANGELOG:
~ Jimmy … and the IronRuby team