[ANN] Instant Rails 1.0 preview7 -- with Typo!

My apologies to all who downloaded preview6, it did not contain Rails
1.0 as
advertised – I screwed up!

Preview7 does, in fact, contain Rails 1.0 and as a bonus, also includes
2.6.0 as a preinstalled sample app. See the Getting Started page for
instructions on running Typo in Instant Rails:


Also, you can thank David M. for getting Typo into Instant Rails (he
just joined the Instant Rails development team!).

Instant Rails is a one-stop Rails runtime solution containing Ruby,
Apache, and MySQL, all preconfigured and ready to run. No installer, you
simply drop it into the directory of your choice and run it. It does not
modify your system environment. This release of Instant Rails for
but there are plans for ports to Linux, BSD, and OSX.

The Instant Rails home page has links for downloading and getting
with Instant Rails:


If you already have Instant Rails installed, then be sure to read the
upgrade instructions:


2005.12.13 Instant Rails preview7
(preview6 was a bad release)

  • Included Typo 2.6.0 as a sample app

  • Included RedCloth 3.0.4, BlueCloth 1.0.0, and RubyPants 0.2.0
    (used as text formatters by Typo).

  • Upgraded Rails to 1.0 final

  • Instant Rails now detects being run from a directory path
    that containd spaces, issues a warning, and quits.

2005-11-08: Instant Rails 1.0 preview5

  • Upgraded Rails to Rails 1.0: The Release Candidate 4 (aka 0.14.3)

2005-11-01: Instant Rails 1.0 preview4

  • Added mysql\bin to the path in console windows.

2005-10-27: Instant Rails 1.0 preview3

  • Upgraded Rails to Rails 1.0: The Release Candidate 3 (aka 0.14.2)

  • Upgraded to SCGI Rails Runer 0.4.3

  • Added "fxri" to the help menu.

  • Fixed a problem where console windows were being opened in the
    wrong current directory. This meant that ruby\bin wasn't being
    put on the path which, in turn, meant you couldn't execute the
    "gem" or "rails" commands.

  • Fixed several minor problems.

  • Created this change log! Also, added a ToDo.txt file.

Wait about an hour before trying to download. This will give the
RubyForge mirrors time to sync and you avoid getting download errors.


InstantRails is a developer’s delight! I wasted a good day
unsuccessfully getting Apache etc working my laptop. With InstantRails
I could wipe away the tears.

Many ppl agree that setting up the infrastructure for Ruby + RoR is the
most challenging part of getting started - all pain and no Ruby love,
yet. So thanks for IR.

Jeez, I never write “thank you” notes about products, but if it means
another RoR newbie saves themselves a day or more by not having to set
up their environment, and subsequently perhaps not even writing a line
of Ruby code, then I’ll hawk the product all day long :slight_smile:


Great… Thanks for letting me know!


Tried the previous version and it’s terribly;-) good!

Though if there was a Postgre… things can be 300% perfect
(no, I can install Postgre myself on Windows thanks to V8. Just want to
make sure it can be used once I.R. installed)
(On Linux I tried one year ago, failed to understand how to config …

On 12/15/05, emptist [email protected] wrote:

Tried the previous version and it’s terribly;-) good!

Though if there was a Postgre… things can be 300% perfect
(no, I can install Postgre myself on Windows thanks to V8. Just want to
make sure it can be used once I.R. installed)
(On Linux I tried one year ago, failed to understand how to config …

Its been a learning experience for me. Before I started this I knew
next to nothing about configuring Apache. Now I’m two steps away from
knowing nothing :wink:

Fortunately, David M. just joined the Instant Rails dev team, and
he knows a lot more than I do!


On 12/15/05, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky [email protected] wrote:

  1. Is/was there a real virus in BlueCloth or was that some bizarre false
    signature match?
  2. If there was a real virus, has it been removed?

As far as I know it was a false match.


Thank you … it was no big deal to install pre6 and upgrade to 1.0,
though. :slight_smile:

Question about BlueCloth … a while back, I was testing Ruby on a
Windows system. When I tried to install the BlueCloth gem, the McAfee
virus scanner “found a virus” in the BlueCloth gem. IIRC I was able to
reproduce this with both the CygWin Ruby/gems and the native Windows
Ruby/gems. I posted this to the BlueCloth site but I’ve never heard back
from them. So … do you or anyone else on this list know:

  1. Is/was there a real virus in BlueCloth or was that some bizarre false
    signature match?
  2. If there was a real virus, has it been removed?

Curt H. wrote:

(he just joined the Instant Rails development team!).
The Instant Rails home page has links for downloading and getting
2005.12.13 Instant Rails preview7
that containd spaces, issues a warning, and quits.

wrong current directory. This meant that ruby\bin wasn't being
Rails mailing list
[email protected]

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

See the first entry in the FAQ:


I think this same problem is happenning with the cookbook app.
Arrrrggg… I gotta get a new release out with this fixed.


Glad you like Instant Rails!


My thanks for putting IR together. After the “fun” I had
trying to get it working on Debian last year, I was torn
about recommending Rails to my son. He’s now installed IRp7
and it’s fantastic to have a bundle with Apache, MySQL, RoR,
etc all pre-configured. I’m writing this for him as he’s just
moved house and has no connectivity yet. So thanks!

Unfortunately he’s still having a few problems with it. I had
a little play with his install last night and couldn’t figure
out how to diagnose them.

The mycookbook app creates its console window, and if you de-
iconify it quickly enough, you get a glimpse of a “not found”
error with a Ruby backtrace before the window vanishes. Is
there any logfile or global exception catcher that saves the
error text? Impossible to diagnose the problem when it vanishes!

He mentioned that you haven’t worked out how to create an
invisible console window. I don’t know if that’s a Ruby problem,
but at the Windows API level, you have to use the “ShowWindow”
option in the STARTUPINFO structure that you pass as the ninth
parameter to CreateProcess. Set wShowWindow to SW_HIDE and set
dwFlags to include STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW, and the command window
won’t display.

However, I do recommend that for debugging purposes, you allow
the window to be optionally displayed - and preferably to catch
an exception and allow it to be read before the window closes!

Happy Saturnalia, everyone!

Clifford H…