After a lot of work (and much promising) I have written instructions
on various methods to deploy Rails applications in a Windows
environment. For those of you who are not stuck with Windows, this
won’t matter too much to you, but I think this is really useful for
those in Windows shops.
Topics covered:
Serving Multiple Rails Applications on Windows with Apache and
Integrate Rails into an Existing IIS Web infrastructure using Apache
and FastCGI
Integrate Rails into an Existing IIS Web infrastructure using Mongrel
Integrate Rails into an Existing IIS Web Infrastructure using
Lighttpd and Mongrel
Let me know if you want to write the “Best Practice Win32 Deployment”
document. It’d basically be a short straight line version of what
you’ve got there, with references to your stuff for more detailed
This is mildly OT but do you have any recommendations with your
mod_proxy->mongrel setup for handling caching? Because just looking
the doc, I don’t see how you’ll be able to accomodate rails’s built in
caching mechanisms. Any information you can provide would be great,
I actually mention that… however, according to Zed:
“Mongrel (as of 0.3.7) by default supports Rails style page caching in
the RailsHandler it uses to serve your applications. What this means
is that if you do a page cached action (which writes a .html file as
well as respond) then Mongrel will just serve up the cached page
instead of bug Rails.”
Now, I know Lighttpd and Apache can serve static stuff up much faster,
but at least it’s not like Rails gets invoked on every request.
I am investigateing several solutions for this right now and will
probably publish my findings at the same web site. It’s definitely an
issue that concerns me.
This is mildly OT but do you have any recommendations with your
mod_proxy->mongrel setup for handling caching? Because just
looking through the doc, I don’t see how you’ll be able to
accomodate rails’s built in caching mechanisms. Any information
you can provide would be great,
Here’s some Apache config stuff from a previous post to the Rails
list. It handles static content via Apache and proxies the rest
to Mongrel.