ffi-swig-generator version 0.3.0
by Andrea F.
ffi-swig-generator is a ruby-ffi wrapper code generator that produces
ruby-ffi glue code parsing C header files through SWIG.
ffi-swig-generator is able to traverse an XML parse tree generated by
the +swig+ command and to produce a ruby-ffi code from it.
ffi-swig-generator is shipped with a command line tool and a rake task
that automates the code generation process.
ffi-swig-generator XML capabilities are provided by nokogiri.
- Major enhancements
- Generate accessors methods for struct fields of type string and
callback. - Add experimental support for nested structs and unions.
- Add initial support for configuration files.
- Generate accessors methods for struct fields of type string and
- Minor enhancements
- Add support for variadic arguments.
- Add support for anonymous callbacks in function and struct
declaration. - Add support for volatile types.
- Add support for U, L, UL constant qualifiers.
- Improve testing with cucumber.
- Now the rake task can be configured through a configuration block.
- Bug fixes
- Fix ruby 1.8.6/1.9.1 compatibility issues.
- Fix generated const char* return type.
- Fix a bug that prevented to manage struct name with a prepending
- The program is able to generate:
- all C native types
- #define constants
- typedefs
- struct, union, array and enum types
- callbacks (pointers to functions)
- Naive indentation of the generated code
From command line:
ffi-gen mylib.xml mylib.rb
From a Rakefile:
require ‘ffi-swig-generator’
FFI::Generator::Task.new do |task|
task.input_fn = ‘my_interface_dir/*.i’
task.output_dir = ‘my_output_dir’
- rake >= 0.8.3
- nokogiri >= 1.1.1
- swig >= 1.3
Download and install from rubygems:
[sudo] gem install ffi-swig-generator
or clone mercurial repository:
hg clone http://kenai.com/hg/ruby-ffi~swig-generator
See the examples in examples/ folder.
libc.i is an interface file containing some excerpt of libc functions.
wiiuse.i is a fairly complex example of a C header file interface. It
reproduces the content of wiiuse.h, the header file of the wiiuse
library. wiiuse is a C library that handles the connection with
Nintendo Wiimote devices. The interface file is almost a mere
copy/paste from the original header file. See [1] for an updated
revision of ffi-wiiuse library.
The generator has been used to generate code for the projects
below. Take a look at them to see further usage examples.