Hello all –
And a special greeting to those of you who were at RailsConf 2006 in
Chicago. You know how great the event was, and how great the European
Rails Conference is going to be in London in September!
We’re now accepting proposals for talks at the European Rails
Conference, to be held September 14-15 in London. Accepted speakers
will get free admission to the conference.
We’re looking for talks on a variety of Rails topics, including:
- case-studies in interesting Rails applications
- Rails add-ons and adapations (including experimental ones)
- analyses and critiques of specific aspects of the framework
- the use of Ruby in/for/with Rails development
- comparative analysis of Rails and other frameworks
- testing, coding, deployment, and all the rest!
The deadline for proposals is July 21. On the proposal site, we’re
asking for a title, a short abstract, and a slightly longer
description (400 words or so). You don’t have to have the whole talk
written, just a reasonably detailed overview.
You can write to me directly if you have questions about the proposal
Thanks – looking forward to seeing proposals!
David, for Ruby Central, Inc. and Skills Matter, Ltd., co-producers
of the 2006 European Rails Conference
David A. Black ([email protected])
Ruby Power and Light, LLC (http://www.rubypowerandlight.com)
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