ANN: DataMapper 0.2.3 Released

DataMapper version 0.2.3 has just been released.

DataMapper is a Ruby O/R Mapper based on the Data Mapper Design
Pattern. It’s similar to ActiveRecord in usage, with an emphasis on
Domain Models.


– 0.2.3

  • Added String#t for translation and overrides for default validation
  • MAJOR: Resolve issue with non-unique-hash values and #dirty?; now
    frozen original values are stored instead
  • Added Base#update_attributes
  • MAJOR: Queries are now passed to the database drivers in a
    parameterized fashion

Check it out at, or in #datamapper on

On 11/5/07, Sam S. [email protected] wrote:

DataMapper version 0.2.3 has just been released.

DataMapper is a Ruby O/R Mapper based on the Data Mapper Design
Pattern. It’s similar to ActiveRecord in usage, with an emphasis on
Domain Models.

Wow…datamapper looks extremely interesting and is new on my radar.
Is anyone using it in a production application (preferably Rails)? Can
you speak to your experience?
