> read, maybe it is because there is visual separation?
> Person.find :all,
> :conditions => { :first_name => 'name', :last_name => 'name' }
> I may just like the whitespace separation over the use of .( 'arg' ).
> chained together.
> What are your thoughts on long queries? Can method chaining do them
> elegantly?
The main reasoning behind the notation is to make it very easy to
build complex conditional queries easily. The method chaining is not
required, it’s really just some syntactic sugar. You can also write
the above query as
pq = Person.query
For simple queries like this, criteria_query does not offer much of an
advantage (although on even the simple queries I looked at, there’s
about 30% less code to write).
For really complex stuff, you also use the block notation, which is
structurally nicer:
pq = Person.query
pq.join(‘addres’) do |address|
address.or do |streets|
address.join(‘country’) do |country|
It becomes more useful if the conditions are dependant on user input:
address.or do |streets|
address.street_1_like(params[:street]) if params[:street]
address.street_2_like(params[:street]) if params[:street]
Empty subrestrictions do not generate any sql, so the above is safe.
I do quite like the array notation of conditions, but I can’t see how
you would model joins and disjunctions easily without messing up the
syntax too much - but you may have some ideas about that.
I really like the way that criteria_query handles joins. Have you
looked at the naming scheme for join aliases in ActiveRecord? That
makes it almost impossible to use multiple joins in a conditional
query, as the aliases are based on the order in which joins to the
same table appear.
Say Person has two relationships to city, called lives_in and
works_in, and you want to find all people based on user input into two
search fields:
- User has entered values for both cities:
Person.find(:all, :conditions=>[‘cities.name=? AND
works_ins_people=?’, ‘lives’, ‘works’], :include=>[:lives_in,
- User has entered values for lives_in:
Person.find(:all, :conditions=>['cities.name=?, ‘lives’ ],
- User has entered values for works_in:
Person.find(:all, :conditions=>[‘cities.name=?’, ‘works’],
This is an area where the .join() stuff gives a significant advantage.
I can see a potential advantage in combining the two approaches and
doing something like this:
pq = Person.query
pq.conditions = [ :first_name_eq=>‘name’, :last_name_eq=>‘last_name’ ]
pq.join(‘address’) do |address|
address.conditions = [ :street_1_like=>’%street%’,
:street_2_like=>’%street%’ ]
The benefit of having one expression per method call lies in the
ability to decide for each statement whether to add it to the query or
not. In the combined example, you would have to have some conditional
statement that pieces together the conditions array first, which
defeats the purpose somewhat.
Interested in hearing your thoughts.