[ANN] ClockingIT Beta - It's about time

My wife and I have been working on our own task-listing, time-tracking
web application, and we’re really interested in some feedback as we
ourselves feel we’ve come a long way.

If you have some minutes to kill (or just want to see how the Comet
functionality provided by the Juggernaut plugin can work) have a look at
http://www.clockingit.com and ClockingIT - Comet

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions, and I’ll do my best
to answer.

Erlend S.


I presented the app to my boss and he seems to like it too. One
question he had was about seeing the logs of the chats. The chat for
me is really cool although I’m not sure if I will see it all the time.
The thing with IM is that it can pop up and let you know in many ways
that somebody is pinging you. I guess time will tell.

Thanks again,


Adrian M. wrote:


Feel free to let me know if you have any questions, and I’ll do my best

Is the source available? I wouldn’t mind using it?
Peter W.

Adrian M. wrote:


I presented the app to my boss and he seems to like it too. One
question he had was about seeing the logs of the chats. The chat for
me is really cool although I’m not sure if I will see it all the time.
The thing with IM is that it can pop up and let you know in many ways
that somebody is pinging you. I guess time will tell.
Hmm… A way to see the chat logs would probably be a good idea. Duly
noted and added to my tasklist for ClockingIT.

As I already have a flash applet used to push chat events to the
browsers, I can probably add some kind of sound on chat events making it
a bit more obvious that someone said something.

Erlend S.

Erlend S. wrote:

Rails mailing list
[email protected]

You might want to make it as a rails plugin/engine that other could use?
Providing the generic functionality. Just a thought

Peter W. wrote:

Erlend S. wrote:

Rails mailing list
[email protected]

You might want to make it as a rails plugin/engine that other could use?
Providing the generic functionality. Just a thought

Nice demo of Jug./comet functionality.

Peter W. wrote:

Is the source available? I wouldn’t mind using it?
Source isn’t currently available, I might offer a self-hosted version
down the road if there is enough interest for it. Another option is
giving away the source, but I’m not sure where we’ll end up just yet.
Time will tell.

Erlend S.

On Mon, 2006-08-14 at 17:36 -0600, Adrian M. wrote:

thanks for opening up your product. I must say I’m impressed. It is
really good! I mean, you gotta love that it is free although I
wouldn’t mind paying some money if I continue using it. I will present
it where I work (Hyperx, Inc.) to see if we can standardize on this.
My only problem then would be that I would have to have two sessions
open: one for my normal work and one for my freelance work. I wish a
user coud belong to different groups of projects/clients and those
groups could be shared. Anyway, I like what you are doing and I will
do some more testing.

You could just create some private projects on your company account, and
log your freelance work in there, no one but you will see those projects
unless you grant access to them.

Glad you liked it, we’re planning on keeping everything free for quite a
while, hopefully we’ll get a much better link in a few weeks for about
the same we’re paying now - and you don’t require many servers to handle
a simple web applications like this where people click a couple of links
every few hours to start/stop working. =)

Erlend S.

Nice work. I’ve been using IT for the last day and half.
I must admit it took me a bit to figure out the tasklist interface
but I really like it.

Perhaps make the ‘Reorder Tasks’ link a
bit more prominent. Maybe I’m just blind but I didn’t notice
until this afternoon that you can reorder the tasks.

Again great job.


thanks for opening up your product. I must say I’m impressed. It is
really good! I mean, you gotta love that it is free although I
wouldn’t mind paying some money if I continue using it. I will present
it where I work (Hyperx, Inc.) to see if we can standardize on this.
My only problem then would be that I would have to have two sessions
open: one for my normal work and one for my freelance work. I wish a
user coud belong to different groups of projects/clients and those
groups could be shared. Anyway, I like what you are doing and I will
do some more testing.

Thanks again,

Adrian M.

Larry K. wrote:

I like it! It feels much like a client/server app. Will use it for
awhile to see if it matched my lifestyle.

You say it uses Comet and Juggernaut. Where can I find more
information on Comet and Juggernaut? I have a requirenment to create a
similar interface. ( not a tasklist), but there inline editing and
showing/hiding forms on the webpage.

Comet (http://alex.dojotoolkit.org/?p=545) is a system for pushing data
to the web browsers instead of polling which you usually do with ajax
and web applications.

Juggernaut (http://juggernaut.rubyforge.org/) is a Comet implementation
for Rails using a Flash applet as the bridge between the push server and
the web browser.

If you’re just going to do inline editing and showing/hiding of forms,
you don’t really need much more than what ships with Rails by default.
Comet is used to push javascript to the browsers connected to the push
server, based on events you define and trigger in your application.

Erlend S.

I like it! It feels much like a client/server app. Will use it for
to see if it matched my lifestyle.

You say it uses Comet and Juggernaut. Where can I find more information
Comet and Juggernaut? I have a requirenment to create a similar
( not a tasklist), but there inline editing and showing/hiding forms on

Adrian M. wrote:

Thanks for the tip! I will give that try. I guess if I create clients
that’s where everybody sees them (clients), right?
They’ll see them on the clients page, but not on the projects list.
Permissions on clients etc. is on my task list, so it’ll come a bit
further down the road.

Erlend S.

You’re right. This project doesn’t need push technology. Thanks for
clearing that up.

Thanks for the tip! I will give that try. I guess if I create clients
that’s where everybody sees them (clients), right?