= Anise
Anise is an Annotations Systems for the Ruby programming language.
Unlike most other annotations systems it is not a comment-based system,
or a “macro” system that sits over-and-above the rest of the code.
Rather, Anise is a dynamic annotations system operating at runtime.
Anise is a spin off of the old Facets annotations.rb library. It
includes the Annotations functionality, and adds a mixin, Annotator,
that makes it easy to add new annotations on the fly.
This version adds a callback method called #annotation_added. It is very
basic and patterned after Ruby’s other built-in callback methods.
0.4.0 // 2009-05-27
1 Major Enhancement
- Added annotation_added callback.
To install with RubyGems simply open a console and type:
gem install anise
To manually install you will need Setup.rb (see
http://setup.rubyforge.org). Then download the tarball package and do:
$ tar -xvzf anise-0.2.0.tgz
$ cd anise-0.2.0
$ sudo setup.rb all
The following example briefly demonstrates all three major features.
require ‘anise’
class X
include Anise
# Annotations
ann :grape, :class=>String
# Annotators
annotator :doc
doc "This is an entry."
def bar
# ...
# Annotated Attributes
attr :baz, Integer, :max => 10
Looking at the resulting annotations:
X.ann(:foo) #=> {:class=>String}
X.ann(:bar) #=> {:doc=>“This is an entry.”}
X.ann(:baz) #=> {:class=>Integer, :max=>10}
The Anise library can be used as a whole, per the example above, or
these features can be used separately. For more details see the RDoc API
Turn is the recommended way to run Anise’s test suite
$ turn test/test_*
But a script +test/suite.rb+ script is include so you can easily run the
unit tests with the testrb command:
$ testrb -Ilib test/suite.rb
or with Ruby alone:
$ ruby -Ilib -rtest/unit test/suite.rb
Anise also includes Quarry specifications. These can be run via:
$ quarry -v spec/
See Quarry project (http://quarry.rubyforge.org) for more informaiton.
Copyright (c) 2008 TigerOps
This program is distributed under the terms of the LGPL License.
Please see COPYING file for details.