role_number :integer(10)
role_date :date
name :string(255)
ssn :string(255)
nationality :string(255)
address :string(255)
number :string(255)
website :string(255)
district :integer(10)
sector :string(255)
square_meters :integer(131089)
duaap :integer(10)
description :string(255)
state :string(255)
notes :text
I want to create a form for searching on one field or on two fields or
on three fields…or on all fields.
There is a gem that facilitate this work?
I’m thinking about meta_search, what do you think about?
“…Estou disposto a demolir paredes,contruir pontes e acender
Tenho uma grande experincia,um monte de energia,um pouco dessa coisa de
‘viso’ e no tenho medo de comear do zero.”-Steve Jobs
I want to create a form for searching on one field or on two fields or
on three fields…or on all fields.
There is a gem that facilitate this work?
I’m thinking about meta_search, what do you think about?
I just used MetaSearch for the first time last month and love it. I found it
very easy to work with and quite powerful.
What solution do you adopt?
A form with all fields in it?
ssn :string(255)
notes :text
What solution do you adopt?
A form with all fields in it?
If you use MetaSearch, it helps you build your form – see the readme:
Now, the app I was working on was more complicated so I did actually
a class so that I could use form builder on my own, and then wrap
behind that. The form consisted of a number of filters. But even if I
straight to metasearch, yes, I would use a form with the fields I want
search which may or may not map to the actual fields I am searching.
“…Estou disposto a demolir paredes,contruir pontes e acender
Tenho uma grande experincia,um monte de energia,um pouco dessa coisa de
‘viso’ e no tenho medo de comear do zero.”-Steve Jobs
Also, and I should have said this before, I noticed that in your
property list it looks like you’re storing social security numbers
(SSN). I just want to add a friendly word of advice - encrypt them if
you can. I can see a lot of havoc happening if some hacker got his
hands on a list of unencrypted (or weakly encrypted) SSN’s, both from
the standpoint of the person who’s identity might be stolen, and for
your organization, who may end up fielding a LOT of lawsuits as a
result if something like that happens.
Also, and I should have said this before, I noticed that in your
property list it looks like you’re storing social security numbers
(SSN). I just want to add a friendly word of advice - encrypt them if
you can. I can see a lot of havoc happening if some hacker got his
hands on a list of unencrypted (or weakly encrypted) SSN’s, both from
the standpoint of the person who’s identity might be stolen, and for
your organization, who may end up fielding a LOT of lawsuits as a
result if something like that happens.
I also using meta search
I have one question how to use meta search for more than two fields ?
and if the fields has different data type …will it work?
@David kahn Could u please give some direction how u create a class and
meta search in behind
Please share code to do this if possible.
I also using meta search
I have one question how to use meta search for more than two fields ?
and if the fields has different data type …will it work?
You can do:
<%= f.text_field :field1_or_field2_equals %>
Needless to say, if you get to the point where you’re doing something